The Autostraddle Insider: Issue 33, March 2017

Letter From Your Editors

Hello convertible sofas!

This month was our 8th birthday, so here is a picture of all of us celebrating various birthdays of our own with gusto and aplomb.

Buncha babes at birthday parties! Kayla has a Grease themed cake! Riese is at the Macaroni Grill! Heather's in a guillotine! Yvonne's at her quinceañera! Just babes being babes.

1st row: Molly P, Stef, Aisha, Alaina, Nikki, Kayla
2nd row: Laura, Carolyn, Heather H, Valerie Anne, Carrie, Maree
3rd row: KaeLyn, Sarah, Heather D, Riese, Yvonne, Laneia

It’s incredible how dramatically your mental health and conception of the world and your work shifts when a President who represents your ideals is replaced by a President who hates everything you care about, and when there’s an anti-immigrant tide picking up steam overseas at the same time. Maybe it’s that before, it felt like “social justice warriors” were a rising tide and now it’s like we lost a major battle which means we have to really reconsider how we’ve been fighting. On top of that… so much just feels generally uncertain and unreliable, and we’re terrified about what this administration could do to marginalize the already-so-marginalized. There’s so much out there that’s going wrong HOW WILL WE FIX IT ALL.

I asked all the Senior Editors to video chat with me last week so I could address what feels like our collective mental breakdown and talk about what kind of website we’d be if we had the chance to build it all over again, from scratch. What kinds of stories do we want to tell? What is stopping us from telling them? We talked about how it’s difficult to gear up for deep-dives into important material or to organize complicated or nuanced arguments when we’re so often derailed every day by flame wars over relatively inconsequential errors or mistakes. We shouldn’t be making those mistakes — we know that, we’re working on it. We also know that we, the writers of, have also made matters worse on many of these comment threads and we’re working on that too. But sometimes we will have to dip out of arguments not to dismiss a valid issue, but to prioritize a more pressing issue.

We’re under more financial and emotional and logistical stress right now than we’ve been since the very early days of Autostraddle and we want to make some HUGE changes w/r/t the stories we’re telling and who’s telling them over the next year. That starts with this next round of new hires because we’re craving some new minds and new ideas! We’re really stoked about so many of these applicants and will be smashing our heads together on that topic later this week.

I know this all sounds so vague! It’s ’cause we’re not sure yet how to do what we want to do and if we can afford to do it (currently we can’t), and I don’t like making promises we can’t keep. But we want to shake things up. We want to do bigger stories instead of just writing stories about stories. We want more personal narratives. We want more personality in general. We want to grow up, and get better. So, that’s us, now, here. In the meantime thank you for being A+ members, we wanna meet you at A-Camp, and don’t forget to use our affiliate links when you’re shopping because Amazon cut commissions in half because they are an evil empire and they want to ruin our lives.

I bet you have truly enjoyed some A+ content though right!!! Like the ongoing saga of Some Questions You’ve Been Asking Us Edition #12, our first foray into the A+ Advice Box, Getting In Bed With Kristin and Mey Rude, 24 Excerpts From Intern Nikki’s Diary 2013-2015, the A+ Inbox Live Podcast Part #19 and Getting In Bed With Kristin To Talk About Coming Out.

ALSO: I thought somebody was murdered around the corner of my house but it turns out that he probably just died of natural causes. They’re not 100% sure but they’re pretty sure, so.



co-signed by Laneia / Rachel / Yvonne / Heather

Top 10 Most Popular Posts From February

These posts were hella popular last month.

1. Kristen Stewart Is “Like, So Gay Dude” On SNL And We’re All Dead, by Stef Schwartz
2. How To Be Disabled, According to Stock Photography, by Carrie Wade
3. Donald Trump Quote or Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soap Quote? by Erin Sullivan
4. Now, An Updated Edition Of The 102 Best Lesbian Movies Of All Time, by Riese
5. NSFW Sunday Is All About Tinder, by Carolyn Yates
6. The Magic School Bus’ Ms. Frizzle Is A Queer Legacy, by Callie Little
7. Satellite of Love: Queer Horoscopes for February 2017, by Corina
8. No Filter: What’s With The Ring, Kate Moennig? by Stef Schwartz
9. Be the Change: Six Disabled Activists On Why the Resistance Must Be Accessible, by Carrie Wade
10. I Watched Lesbian Classic “I Can’t Think Straight” and I Want to Send Its Writer an Edible Arrangement, by Erin Sullivan

El Sanchez singing their heart out at A-Camp 7.5

Nine Important Excerpts From Editorial Conversations

Riese: i tried to write a We Need Help post for a fashion & beauty editor and for some reason i cannot manage to do it
so i would love if somebody else wanted to take over this task for me
it’s a mixture of words i wrote and also words i copied from previous ads?
i really have no idea why i cannot finish this task but i can’t
Heather: i firmly believe fashion and beauty editor is our Defense Against The Dark Arts position and it destroys everyone who takes the job!
Riese: ok so this is not a task for heather

Siobhan: 52 Percent of Men Say They Don’t Benefit From Women Accessing Birth Control. How do they think this works?
Dickens: Let them eat baby formula.

Riese: a man is talking on the phone in the library
this has to be illegal
men talking should be illegal
Laneia: yes
Riese: men talking on the phone in the library should be punishable by death
Laneia: you should run for office
i would illegally vote for you
several times
Riese: thank you
in two states, i hope!
Laneia: of course

Kristin: hi this is from erin: “Kristin dear, this is gonna sound crazy but what if I change my Escape Game to a viewing of the 1997 classic Selena while we adult color a piece of paper that has a big X through Yolanda Saldivar’s face? At first this was a joke but then I realized a lot more people would be excited about that than a complicated Escape Room that only certain people can participate in. What do you think?”
it seems potentially hilarious but also idk so
Riese: we’ve already done a Selena movie activity
Kristin: lol
a-camp is hilarious

Stef: do you think you will start dressing mod now that you’re a mod
Alaina: gives me an excuse to use our aff link for modcloth
can i write that off next year??
Stef: yeah
Alaina: “bought mod clothes so i could be the mod”

Molly: Told my mom about A Camp last night and you guys she wants to go so bad
she wants to go undercover with my wife’s mom and pretend like they don’t know us just so they can go to camp
Stef: i explained a-camp to that dumb dude i work with who picked me up at the airport from camp once and asked me based on instagram if it was “like, an anti-patriarchy camp”
he is very offended by everything about it just by virtue of the fact that he can never ever understand or be a part of that community and then we got in a fight
Molly: hahahahaha my mom was like “do you have to be gay to go?”
“because i love everyone”
and i explained it’s a littttttle different
Stef: yeah mom there’s an entrance exam
it’s making out with riese
Molly: omg she would
Riese: no that’s how you get into the band
not how you get into camp
Molly: right right right ok
Stef: does your mom wanna join the band
and if so, how bad
Molly: like probably pretty bad
“i only live once, molly”
she was buying kayaks at the time
Stef: oh she sounds perfect
Molly: she’s hilarious
Stef: my mom hates the outdoors, she would be one of those people who paid extra for a vip solo cabin
Molly: oh you mean like my wife
Stef: are you my dad?
Molly: i didn’t want to have to tell you like this
but yes

Heather: time to mey and kristin!
Rachel: where did this day go? i’m so confused
Riese: me too
Rachel: maybe it’s just that it isn’t getting dark at 4:30 pm anymore
Heather: yes that happened to me yesterday. it was 7:00 and i thought it was like lunch time
i was like “why is it so BRIGHT?”
Rachel: for some reason the phrase “bisexuality with mey rude” is so funny to me
maybe bc it sounds like, idk, a course listing or something?
or a fragrance
Heather: it does sound like a course listing
Rachel: “are you coming to potions?” “no, i couldn’t get in, it’s scheduled at the same time as bisexuality with mey rude”

Mey: I’m the mod for slack. Cross me and you’re outta here
Molly: so that wh**e gif on the first day was my first and second strikes?
Stef: i’m the mod of the ocean
i’m king of the mods
new messages
Mey: That whale thing was your first 26 outs
Molly: i want to be
where the people are
i want to seee
want to see them dancing
Mey: Ok time out Little Mermaid is my thing not an ocean thing
Molly: it feels like an ocean thing as well
there needs to be a spreadsheet
or a venn diagram
Mey: It’s a trans thing
Molly: ahhhh of course
Mey: The ocean is incidental
Molly: hahahahaha
“the ocean is incidental” should be your bio

Stef: update —> Kristen Stewart Glams Up in Chanel with Her Fierce New Hair!
Riese: Oh another cis white girl wears a shirt
Stef: that was very dismissive
Alaina: how dare we care
Stef: listen i honestly think i do a great job NOT posting all the shit i research about kristen thank you very much
the aerial shots of her home
the detailed google map of every single place she’s been spotted cavorting with gal pals in los feliz
you guys know i am not in any way exaggerating, this woman is my bread and butter right now

Meet A New Contributor!

Get to know some of our newest faces.

Danielle Dorsey, Contributor

Twitter: danielledorky
Instagram: danielledorky
Facebook: danielledorkydotcom

Who was your first woman celebrity crush?
Winnie from Wonder Years

Describe the worst date you’ve ever been on:
We met off OkCupid. They suggested a restaurant on their side of town that turned out to be expensive, and we went dutch. Afterwards I went back to theirs since this is LA and sitting in rush hour traffic is more dreaded than continuing to entertain a pushy date. They kept asking me about my (no longer applicable) rule of no kissing on the first date and asking to be an exception. Then, instead of being a normal person and putting on a TV show or movie, they showed me their reel! I ended up braving the traffic.

What’s your favorite tarot card? Why?
The Fool! Having a somewhat anxious personality, The Fool is a card I try to aspire to. The Fool is lighthearted, playful, creative, and appreciates the present moment. Whenever I pull the Fool I know that it’s time to get out of my head and into my soul.

What’s your morning ritual like?
I try not to look at my phone (outside of turning off my alarm) for at least ten minutes and instead think about what I plan to accomplish that day and what I’m grateful for. Other than that, coffee is the only constant in my routine.

If you could only use one emoji for the rest of your life, what would it be?
It’s so hard to choose! It would either be the crystal ball emoji or what I call the “Lil Kim emoji” which is a Black girl with a platinum blond ponytail and blue eyes. I call the male version of that emoji the “Kanye West emoji.”

What’s something you’ve been really proud of lately?
I’ve been meditating almost every day lately, a habit that I’ve been trying to implement for over a year.

Here Comes The Toaster Strudel Boi

Riese: hello @channel in honor of national cereal day i will be composing a list of Breakfast Cereals, Ranked By Lesbianism, and I am here to solicit your nominations (please when nominating, let me know why you think it deserves the rank you are giving it)
Alyssa: i think pop tarts need an honorable mention.

that’s the toaster strudel “boy”
aka lesbian snow white

Alaina: WOW
Kaelyn: what is this
Molly: hahahaha
toaster strudels
Dufrau: oh wow does she work here
Kaelyn: are those the ones that come with the frosting packets?
Molly: yesssss
Kaelyn: oh god yeah those are good
Molly: you can draw whatever kind of genital formation you’re into on your strudes
and then just eat them
sounds pretty inclusive
Dufrau: like is that a young Kate McKinnon or
Kaelyn: i didn’t know there was an aggressively Nordic mascot for toaster strudels
Molly: oh yes
very aggressively chipper
Kaelyn: i do like oatmeal. is that a cereal? do hot cereals count?
since oats are the standard foundation for granola, i think that makes oatmeal the standard foundation for gay cereals
Dufrau: what is “steel cut oats”? that sounds pretty tough, it reminds me of boots, which
are gay
Ali: My friend wrote a book about how to make rice krispy treats in the shape of emoji, does that count as gay? Does it depend on the emoji?
Stef: i don’t eat breakfast, it’s the worst meal
Riese: STEF.
Stef: i know :disappointed:
Riese: thank you for your valuable input
Stef: are you patronizing me
Mey: What about that cereal with the gorilla and the koala on it. Animals are gay
Stef: the rainforest cereal!!
i would buy those
Mey: Wait I might have said gorillas aren’t gay in my biphobic emoji post
Riese: :-(

What We’ve Been Reading

Siobhan: East West Street by Philippe Sands

Casey: A Place Called No Homeland by Kai Cheng Thom, and Rose’s Run by Dawn Dumont

Laura M: America #1 by Gabby Rivera

Lucy: The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas

Heather Hogan: The Book of Joy by Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu

Valerie Anne: The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander

Carrie: Another Country by James Baldwin

Maree: If You Come Softly by Jacqueline Woodson

Molly P: How To Be A Person In The World by Heather Havrilesky (in preparation for her 2017 follow-up)

Yvonne: Conflict Is Not Abuse by Sarah Schulman

Carolyn: The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood

Alaina: The New Bottoming Book by Janet Hardy and Dossie Easton

Heather Davidson: Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race by Margot Lee Shetterly

Riese: Stagestruck: Theater, AIDS and the Marketing of Gay America, by Sarah Schulman

Aisha: A Bestiary by Lily Hoang

Laneia: Because of Sex: One Law, Ten Cases, and Fifty Years That Changed American Women’s Lives at Work by Gillian Thomas and Flow: The Cultural Story of Menstruation by Elissa Stein and Susan Kim


Hey this is Heather! I’m sure you know by now about the feral kittens Stacy and I rescued and socialized and adopted. Okay, but here’s the thing. Even though they’re (almost) totally normal house cats now, the scent of chicken from the deli across the street makes them BANANAS. Because when they were wee babes, their mom used to steal chicken from the deli and feed it to them! It’s their favorite childhood food! I’m telling you this because of this:

And this:

And this:

And this:

View this post on Instagram

Well. Look what Animagus has been masquerading as my cat.

A post shared by Heather Hogan (@heatherannehogan) on

And obviously this:

March Retro-Reading

Some posts from previous Marches Riese thinks you might enjoy.

a collage Laneia made her own self via Playlist: To Be An Emotionally Intense ’90s Woman

Autofocus! Robin’s Photoblog & Queers Shoot Weddings Here, Don’t They? by Robin Roemer (March 2009) – Some thoughts on being a wedding photographer who can’t get married from a girl who has since gotten married and stopped being a wedding photographer! LOOK HOW FAR WE’VE ALL COME AS A PEOPLE.

Lesbians Take Girls to Prom: We Have a Gallery For That, by Riese but really y’all (2010) – Remains one of my best ideas ever. You sent us your prom photos, we made a gallery, everybody’s heart swelled!

Pure Poetry #34: Of All Poets, Stephen Dunn, by Riese, Laura, Emily, Rachel and Natalie (2011) I have big news for y’all, are you sitting down. Okay good. GUESS WHO READ THIS POST LAST MONTH. Okay I’ll tell you: Stephen Dunn himself!!!! The poet who wrote this masterpiece knows him and sent it to him and he said it MADE HIS DAY. See, I have nice things to say about cis men sometimes. SOMETIMES.

Fat, Trans and (Working on Being) Fine With It, by Mey Rude (2013) – This was Mey’s first essay for us! Remember when Mey was brand new and now she’s been here for four years and has a girl gang.

Five Girls You Will Bring Home In Your Twenties | Autostraddle, by Kate (2014) – She calls you from a company retreat to make sure you’ve washed your hair in the last week. You lie and say yeah, duh. You’re standing in the kitchen in a pair of swim trunks and the t-shirt you got at your eighth grade graduation. You’re eating an unheated can of Spaghettios. She wants to have phone sex before the team-building exercise at 3.

Kai & Gigler at A-Camp 7.0


Audrey: Mey I am so disappointed to learn that you are a transmisogynist for mentioning Jack Halberstam in a joke about gay Apple Jacks. I didn’t know until I read the comments but w o w
Mey: ohhhhhhh i was trying to figure out what that comment meant
is it ok tho bc i spelled it jack halbestam
Audrey: Seriously, to use a turn of phrase, who pissed in that person’s cereal?
Stef: i’m so happy about the cultural appropriation of hummus comment i’m DYING
Siobhan: wait what? where?
Dufrau: i can’t tell if those comments are real or pretend
Alaina: on the cereal post on
Siobhan: Stef what is
is it a cereal
Alaina: it’s this website some gay folks like
never heard of it before today though
i heard they’re transphobic bc a trans woman mentioned jack halberstam
Stef: definitely
Dufrau: if is a cereal it is scissor cut oats
slackbot Custom Response :dancers::collision:
Stef: you’d think the mods would prevent stuff like that from happening
Alaina: call out post
for me
Molly: what is middle easter
Stef: it’s like regular easter
Stef: what are the other easters
i wonder
Molly: left easter
middle easter
right easter
Alaina: top easter
Stef: left is the one with the cadbury eggs, i think middle is the one with the hummus
Alaina: bottom easter
Siobhan: you forgot north easter
Mey: switch easter
Molly: omg
Siobhan: I’ll see myself out
Stef: when the bunnies are appropriating chicken culture
Siobhan: hey, everyone knows they just appropriated it from the fish in the first place
Dufrau: who came first, the chicken or JESUS
Molly: usually bottom easter comes first but then top easte-
i see

Five Posts Rachel Can’t Believe You Motherf*ckers Didn’t Read Last Month

PHOTOESSAY: Crossroad to Black Trans Liberation National Day of Action, by Molly

This isn’t even really a thing you motherfuckers didn’t read because it is almost entirely photos, but it is something you could and should consume via your eyeballs or screenreader and I am just very hard pressed to imagine a world in which you are not glad that you did.

Be the Change: Using Your Words as Weapons of Resistance, by KaeLyn

Everything KaeLyn has done for this series has been great; I’m especially drawn to this one because a) I’m a writer and editor, duh, and b) while there are almost as many modes of organizing and activism as there are people, rhetoric of one kind or another is a necessary tool in almost all of them, and one that I find particularly heartbreaking to see used poorly. Get into it!

We Are Not Burdens and We Don’t Deserve to Die: A Disability Day of Mourning Roundtable, curated by Carrie

I’m so grateful that Carrie gathered these perspectives on a phenomenon and a day of mourning that deserves all of our attention and solidarity. Please read! Please share!

Queer and Trans Artists of Color Vol. 2, by Mahdia Lynn, and Resistance 101 Reading List: A Crash Course for Aspiring Revolutionaries, by Danielle, and Line Breaks for Resistance: How Black Poetry Lets us Rescue Ourselves, by zaynab

Wow! Several things you can read to add to what I know is an ever-growing reading list for your heart, soul and brain in these times and in all times. Can you even imagine how much great reading you have to look forward to? Maybe you’ve already read these and you can talk about these in the comments! What a dream.

A Proposal, by Diana Goetsch

I just feel this nagging sense that maybe you haven’t read this and I just think you would like to, and also to view the accompanying illustration.

the president comes into a room let us rise, gawk, point,
and howl like our life depends on it, because it does.

Happy Birthday Autostraddle

Stef: happy 8th birthday autostraddle, i did some research and apparently according to child development websites, 8-year-olds develop the ability to maintain several different trains of thought at once and maybe start to develop boy-girl crushes around now.
Cameron: that sounds fake.
multiple trains of thought & crushes are mutually exclusive
Alaina: yeah, real fake
Stef: 8 year olds are fake
Molly: the eighth anniversary also calls for bronze or pottery as gifts, so I got you all this, because apparently this is a place where cats are appreciated

also ps i looked up “bronze sculpture lesbian” and it’s all lady-on-lady sex statues
but i don’t know the tone of this room
Stef: oh actually autostraddle is riese, we’re autostraddle’s monster
Molly: i also got you club bronze from buffy
Mey: Honestly if none of the new kids buys us veterans a present I’m gonna be mad
Molly: what about presence
Stef: as a club manager i feel like the bronze is kind of a shitty gift
that cockroach party they apparently have every year
they never show their health dept rating but i doubt it’s above a C
but it’s also the only place to go in all of sunnydale so i guess they can’t be choosy
Cameron: they are settling for 3rd place. right off the bat.
Molly: wow tough crowd
Stef: i mean!!! also people get attacked in there all the time
i would probably do a clean sweep of the entire staff and start over, kitchen, bar, security
probably the sound guys too
and whoever books the place
Cameron: they should probably also replace their marketing people. since there’s always no cover & and DJ even when there’s a live band playing.
Stef: for like two years the only band that played there was dingoes ate my baby
Cameron: this is what happens when you live on a hellmouth
Molly: ok look a gift club in the mouth but it’s better than more pottery
unless the pottery is a bust of yourself
Stef: a gift club in the hellmouth
Molly: HEH
Stef: AYY
^ that’s the health rating they don’t have
Molly: hahahahahahahaha
Stef: we’ve really taken a turn

Laneia’s Pick of the Month: NINJA BLENDERS, Literally Any of Them

Ninja Blender System that will change your life.

HI DO YOU WANT YOUR LIFE TO CHANGE FOR THE BETTER??? Then you need to shell out for a Nutri Ninja Blender Situation. “But Laneia, that is so much money, whoa.” I hear you friend, I hear you. But HEAR ME: you will not regret this decision. Your life will become an infomercial, but for your own happiness. Your mornings will be stuffed to the gills with fruit and whatever greens you can’t bring yourself to sauté. You’ll be making your own tahini in a bullet. You’ll be pureeing white bean soup and the people you feed it to will weep because that white bean soup is so fucking good (and vegan! ?) and you’ll think, “Thanks, Ninja. Thanks, Laneia.” And friend, I’ll be right there in your heart saying, “I told you so. You’re welcome.”

Social Media Spotlight

Here are the top ten tweets of the month, including someone telling us (for probably the first time EVER) that we got a list right!


Heather: the funniest thing that happened to me at celexa-con was i was walking from starbucks early saturday morning and i heard these girls go “that’s heather hogan.” and then one of them said “riese is taller than her.”
and i turned around and was like, “riese is not taller than me.” just jokey. and they all ran away!
Riese: hahahaha
Heather: (you are taller than me)
Riese: i am taller than you!
Heather: i know!
Heather: new twitter bio
Riese: did we measure ourselves against each other
Heather: no, but i knew the moment i saw you in real life and have refused to stand next to you in public since then
stacy’s only five feet tall so it really messes with my self-perception when i am not the tallest person in the room
Riese: i’m going to chase you around camp standing next to you
Heather: riese!
Riese: i’m going to say i have to make an announcement
Heather: hahahaha!
Riese: and then i’m gonna call you up to make an announcement with me
Laneia: she’ll sneak up next to you and have someone take pictures
Riese: and the announcement will be
Laneia: start a tumblr
Mackenzie will be the first pic
Heather: hahahaha!
i would love this actually. like heather is taller than X animal but not as tall as riese
wait no i change my mind about the best thing about the con. the best thing was Mey got like ten different people to order vodka water

hmmm looks like Riese is taller than Heather


Team Autostraddle

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

Join AF+!


Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3300 articles for us.


  1. I’m glad I took the time to make sure the pic of my Buffy jean jacket had good lighting, since it ended up in the Insider. Time well spent.

  2. That is my favorite picture of Mey ever. A little drunk, a little smug that she’s drinking vodka water in public.

  3. OK but also the girls you’ll bring home in your twenties makes me feel really validated because a nice girl asked me out once and it turned out she was living with my best friends ex and a girl I’d gone on three dates with from OK Cupid and its really nice that this happens to other people.

  4. That last photo of all the senior editors is one of my all-time favorite photos and I can’t even explain why? But surely I don’t have to. You all know.

    • Yes

      It’s like someone told them they were going to do a fashion shoot

      and the they were all like, ehh, I’m way too​ fucking chill to pose for you

      and the person took the photo anyway?

  5. I misread ‘goes bananas for chicken’ as ‘goes chicken for bananas’ and was wondering if cats could eat bananas.
    I laughed so much with these convos :)
    Seriously why are cis men so noisy? Everyone else in my house except my stepdad and the dog, you can’t hear sound for sound/word for word from a different storey. And we tell the dog to stop barking cos she does it all the time but mum doesn’t like it when I tell my stepdad to use an indoor voice as ‘he can’t help it’. Also we don’t have any big plates cos he smashed them banging them together getting them out of the dishwasher and they broke. I love him like another dad but he needs to be slower and quieter…

  6. Okay I adore everything in this post but Mey, I’ve got to break it to you. In the costume/theatre world we use your favorite cocktail purely as a deodorizer to remove sweat smells from actors. As in nightly I’m spraying bottles full of vodka water on the costumes so I can’t accept this as a cocktail! (Also I love your writing and you deserve so much better than costume deodorizer to drink!)

  7. I am finally watching Buffy for the first time and am really proud of myself that I got the bronze references and found it all hilarious. Why are these not the conversations my friends are having?? I need more laughs like this!

  8. reading the a+ insider always brightens my day :)
    also can you guys please do another lesbians take girls to prom post?

  9. Guys I’ve been really stressed for months and I made myself really sick and it was stupid and I’m getting better but yesterday I felt really shitty that I’m not 100% better and annoyed with my slow progress, but I just legit giggled my way through this article and it made me feel more like my normal self again. Thanks buddies and pals <3

  10. Some of the comments in this A+ Insider made me silent-laugh so much it made the whole desk shake and the bitchy woman who sits opposite me spent like half an hour giving me evils because of it. But since it’s my last day in this office I couldn’t give a shit…

    I think what I’m trying to say is THANKS YOU GUYS for making the last thing I do in this office pissing off the woman who’s spent the last year evilling me! I love you all

    • I hadn’t thought of this in a long time! But your phrasing made me think of Little Britain. STOP GIVIN ME EVILS!

  11. Ok I’m only a few sentences in and already my day is 1000% better. Thank you so much, I love you all.

    Also, does this mean the final beauty editor will be misunderstood but help save us all? Is

  12. P sure all of Kate’s articles + one review of a preview for a movie with KStew in it as viewed with the sound off were my intro to Autostraddle Dot Com and look at me now

    Way Gayer & willing to spend exorbitant amounts of my savings on grown up gay summer camp

  13. Riese, someone legitimately got murdered just around the corner from me a couple of days ago. I understand those feels.

    Also, I died at that Bobbi video. That’s how my cats talk to me when I get home from work. Seriously, we have conversations. I love it.
    This may be the best A+ Insider I’ve read. I was cracking up.

  14. The Bobbi video was just super!

    Will there be upcoming articles/interviews from Clexacon?

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