The Absolute Worst Thing A Boy Could Ever Be

feature image via shutterstock
It’s time for another edition of SE(N)O, an essay series on A+ for personal stories we wish we could tell on the accessible-to-our-employers-and-everyone-we’ve-ever-known mainsite, but can’t for personal and professional reasons.

When I was seven years old, my parents, thinking they were trying to raise a young boy into a man, signed me up for Cub Scouts. It was there that I learned how to whittle a bar of soap into the shape of a whale, how to walk old ladies across the street and how to stop acting like such a little girl.
The scout troop I was in was run through the Catholic Church, and I guess they thought it was more important that we learned how to be Men of God than how to pitch a tent or tie a knot. ...

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Mey Rude is a fat, trans, Latina lesbian living in LA. She's a writer, journalist, and a trans consultant and sensitivity reader. You can follow her on twitter, or go to her website if you want to hire her.

Mey has written 572 articles for us.