The A+ Bee Issue Seventeen: I Want to Beelieve

Hi honeybees!
I hope you are having a good day! Welcome to the 17th issue of the A+ Bee. This bee is brought to you by aliens, MC hammer pants and Peggy Olsen, and we hope you enjoy every second of it. Don't forget to submit your own Bee content! We are looking for random columns, listlings, bad poetry, playlists, ads, comics, or anything your heart desires. Stretch those creative muscles and get submitting so you can be featured here in this space!
Email: chelsey [at] autostraddle [dot] com
Mail: PO Box 10553 / 2140 N. Hollywood Way / Burbank, CA 91505

Download the PDF of Issue 17 and dress up your paper doll. Extra points if you take pictures of the doll in the real world and tag your p...

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Chelsey is a previous Editorial Assistant for Autostraddle and currently resides in Los Angeles with her cat Olive and a large collection of cardigans. She enjoys drinking coffee/tea, writing, editing, and validating the humans in her life.

Chelsey has written 52 articles for us.