Universal Health Care, Universal Glee, Universal Makeovers For Female Athletes! : Daily Fix


Today: Honestly there are so many things that are going to happen today on Autostraddle we don’t even know where to begin!
Well, let’s start with this just in: Autostraddle’s Big Gay Fall TV Preview (and it’s EPIC.) Get ready to LOL!

Pink is big in the U.S.A., but in Australia, she’s motherf*cking EPIC. Crystal & photographer Stef Mitchell checked out her Funhouse Tour: Pink’s “Funhouse: The Tour” Makes 58 Sold-Out Dates in Australia – The Autostraddle Concert Report!

GET EXCITED: Glee is premiering tonight at 9pm EST and we’ve created a drinking game for y’all and we will be live-blogging it, obviously.

Yesterday: Daily Fixness – Angelina Jolie’s ‘Gia’ uncensored, Melrose Place wants more lesbian action, Washington H8ers want lesbian rights redaction.

We have your Tuesday Televisionary: We lose Vogue Evolution on America’s Best Dance Crew, Weeds ends with a nosedive, and Top Chef can’t win with pasta salad.

The Day Before Yesterday: Autostraddle’s Natalie interviews Knights Out member Lissa Young, a 1986 West Point graduate and current Harvard grad student and 2002 Don’t Ask Don’t Tell discharge: DADT Discharge Lissa Young: The Autostraddle Interview.


+ Top Stories

PRIME-TIME HEALTH CARE: The New York Times’ Caucus Blog evaluates the early word on Prime Time Health Care and what we can expect tonight. MSNBC offers a look at Obama’s three audiences for tonight’s Health Care speech. Also, some MTV numbskull emailed me a video of the most annoying human on earth, Zach Braff (who Natalie has a misguided crush on) for Yes We Demand Health Care. Despite my personal aversion towards Mr. Braff, the cause is ace. We talked about it last week! Also if you missed it, Obama Indoctrinated the Schoolchildren yesterday, and the Wall Street Journal thinks the parents should get a speech too. (Probs not the gay parents, they don’t exist and are corrupting the sandbox.) (In the Texas school district that declined to show the Obama speech, they’ll be shipping their kids to a football stadium to hear the stupidest president of all time, George W. Bush, string words into ‘sentences.’)

GLEE FEVER: Before tonight’s premiere of GLEE, which will be live-blogged on Autostraddle as we have been lead to believe it is THE GREATEST EVENT TO EVER HAPPEN ON TELEVISION SINCE (the health care speech is clearly more important, but potentially more depressing if it doesn’t work out, and there will be no singing and dancing), a heartwarming homosexual tale of Chris Colfer’s journey from small town to GLEE: “My dad would look at me and go, ‘What the hell? I don’t know who you are. How did you come out of me?’ He would say things like that,” Murphy said. He may not have understood his son, but he accepted him, even when Murphy revealed to him that he is gay when he was 15 years old. (@latimes)

GENDER MAKEOVER: How Not to Solve a Gender Dispute: “What could make the convoluted saga of Caster Semenya’s disputed gender even more public and upsetting? How about a makeover?”(@jezebel)

I actually think I have a bone to pick with every single headline on this magazine cover, starting with a blogger living the high life …

+Arts & Culture

WHIP IT: What’s more magical than a unicorn? Drew Barrymore and Ellen Page in the October 2009 issue of Marie Claire. YES THAT PHOTO BELOW IS FROM THE ARTICLE ALL CAPS. Ellen Page looks so cute in a flannel shirt and skinny jeans, p.s. Check out the rest of the photo spread.

FAME: They actually are gonna live forever, ’cause Fame completely changed the look of dance – Leroy, Legwarmers, and the Impact of Fame. Some sad sack in Cleveland would like to remind everyone that even if musicals inspire them to sign up, they’ll never really find real happiness. (@guardian uk)

GAY BOOKS: Lesbian Author Sarah Waters on Booker Prize Shortlist “Waters is on the list for her novel The Little Stranger. She has been shortlisted twice before, for her works Fingersmith and The Night Watch.” (@pinknews)

 GOOD OL’ ANNIE: The photographer Annie Leibovitz’s $24 million loan was due Tuesday, but by the end of the work day, it appeared that little had happened between her and her lender.

TEGAN & SARA BUILT A WALL OF BOOKS BETWEEN OUR BEDS, THEN WROTE ONE: Tegan and Sara Releasing Book the Same Day as Sainthood! It’s going to be about how you’re like their BFF forevs and probs should go live with them and talk abt yr feelings forevs i swear!!

HAVE YOU HEARD?: Our very own Stef was born with the gift of translation and SPIN Magazine interviewed her! Q&A: Courtney Love Translated (@spin)

ROSIE: Rosie O’Donnell and Star Jones Reality Show? “The two are teaming up and have moved passed any past disagreements they may have had to join forces in their dislike for interVIEW legend, Barbara Walters.”(@homorazzi)

WATCH: New stuff from our friends at Anyone But Me!What will Season Two Bring? A “spy” might just have the answers. In this brand spanking new video from Anyone But Me!”

+News & Politics

LEGAL TO BE GAY: “It hasn’t been enforced for years, but there’s an ordinance in Springfield that makes it illegal to “solicit” sex from people of the same gender. The AP says the city council is getting to take the rule off the books tonight. Oh, and they’re going to stop inspecting beer kegs — too much trouble.”

SAME-SEX MARRIAGE: Iowa Government Contender Wants to Repeal Marriage “Iowa governor Chet Culver, up for reelection in 2010, may face Republican challenger Bob Vander Plaats, who is vowing to reverse the state supreme court’s April 2009 marriage equality ruling.”(@advocate)

MATTHEW SHEPARD: What Does Judy Shepard Have to Show for her Decade Long Crusade? (@queerty)

HATE CRIMES: Gay Bashing in Ontario “A gay man in the U.S. border town of Thunder Bay, Ontario faces facial reconstruction surgery after being viciously gay-bashed by six to eight cowards with bricks.”(@joemygod)

RELIGION: OMG The Pope is Talking Crazy “According to Ill Papa’s general address last week, atheism is at the root of the world’s environmental ills.”(@joemygod)

OBAMA: Obama To Indoctrinate Schoolchildren Shortly “The text of the speech was released Monday, and to the surprise of exactly no rational citizens, it’s short on pinko brainwashing, long on “Do your homework.””(@jezebel)


Auto-Straddler(s) of the Day

Surely something is being straddled in this photo, yeah?


carly-icon2from Carly: This is just too cute. Look at all the adorable iPhone magnets/paperclips you can get on Etsy! (@unplggd)

alex-iconfrom Alex:
If you don’t already follow 410bc on twitter, then you wouldn’t know that you can get 20% off on anything you buy from their store today by using the code FOURTEN. I’m just doing my civil duty for today and letting you know.
brookefrom Brooke:
Wired Magazine has purchased a ticket for someone to take JetBlue up on their one month All-You-Can-Jet Pass for $599 (I bought one too which is what led me to this article). Enter Brendan. He will be blogging and twittering about his 30 days of constant flying. Other rules: he can’t leave the airport; can’t check any luggage; has to fly every day if possible; and must to agree to participate in any antics Wired asks of him. Follow his adventures on twitter.


Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Riese is the 41-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3238 articles for us.


  1. Riese needs to interview Ellen Page for Autostraddle. We need to shake the lesbian phone tree and make that happen.

  2. not that i’m complaining, but why are drew and ellen page kissing? i know ‘whip it’ is kinda lesbionic but i thought there was a hetero storyline for page’s character?

    • That was my thought exactly. Not my *first* thought… But I don’t want to bite the hand that feeds. They can do whatever they feel like. ;)

    • i can’t believe you’re even questioning this, bcw. i really can’t. do you also question santa claus and buy-one-get-one free sales??

      • i’m not trying to look my gift-horse in the mouth (or rather, mouths), laneia, i swear. inquiring minds want to know: is there a lezzie plotline? are they doing all these shoots to drum up the gay lady support like that was even necessary? how can iiiii make out with drew barrymore?

    • I totally understand your point buuuut when Ellen Page is kissing ladies there is no need to question her antics!
      I want to blow that picture up and hang it on my ceiling!!!!!!! I am so creeeeeppy!!!!

      • Indeed! My initial thoughts include:
        1. Is that Drew and Ellen?
        2. OMG THAT IS!
        3. Hmm… they’re kissing ;) bow-chica-wow-wow
        4. Why are they kissing?
        5. Will this be in Whip-It? Please?
        6. Who cares! They’re kissing!
        7. Ellen is a cutie.

  3. Stef, that interview and the idea of translating Courtney Love’s tweets is probably the funniest thing I’ve heard all year.

    • So, Courtney Love just made her twitter public. My brain exploded reading her tweets. You are truly talented, Stef!

  4. Just FYI, Tegan and Sara are releasing THREE books (packaged together) on October 27th. Two books chronicle tours, one is about writing/recording. And then there’s the album, too :D

    October 27th needs to be tomorrow.

  5. i work in the broadcast biz–you might be surprised how easy it is to get an interview lined up, especially if you have a professional pitch and are game for a web-based interview. PR people are often hungry to get their clients the viral exposure sites like autostraddle can present. skype interviews are fast, easy & cheap. that said, it’s all hit & miss…depends on the celeb/athlete/personality, their rep and what they have going on.

    that said, i believe Kelly Bush (CEO, ID) is Page’s PR rep. i would LOVE to see that interview… love it. go team!

    Los Angeles | 8409 Santa Monica Blvd. | West Hollywood CA 90069
    T 323 822 4800 | F 323 822 4880

    New York | 150 West 30th Street, 19th Floor | NY NY 10001
    T 212 334 0333 | F 212 334 8444

    • HOT DAMN! Ask and ye shall receive!!

      Actually, yeah, we have noticed that ppl are generally very eager to be interviewed! though with bigger stars they’re generally used to being paid for their time. My only concern w/r/t EP would be what happened with a um, cough, particular white british music hip-hop performer who canceled an AS interview ’cause she didn’t want to fan the flames of the (true) gay rumours, if ya follow …

      But eegads, yah, we will give her a call when the redesign goes up! gotta have our best stuff on before we approach my favorite person ever. at which point this comment will self-destruct.

      • can i just say that i totes got hung up on by said british performer? i think she could hear the gay in my voice.
        also, look, we hath shaken the lesbian tree and PR information hath fallen from it! #smallearth

  6. that’s contact info for ID. not me. i would love to have offices scattered across the country… but I’ll just have to deal with my little cubicle down here in the south :)

  7. My plan in life is to marry Ellen Page.
    I’m going to woo her with my comedic wit and sarcasm (of which I know she too enjoys) and then write a screenplay that she will beg to get a part in-any part because she is that excited about it. Our newfound relationship will be debuted at the Academy Awards. She will win an Oscar, I will win an Oscar. And then a year later we will be married.
    Drew can hang out with us too, sometimes.

    This dream has multiple variations btw-all ending in me being with Ellen Page forever.

    • WHAT THE… that was exactly my plan. And by exactly, let me just say that I may or may not have numerous pictures of her saved on my computer, and that I may or may not have a special background that I have created out of said pictures, one for every season. And that is the only difference between your plan and mine. The computer backgrounds. Everything else, from the “comedic wit and sarcasm” to the “then I’ll write a screenplay that she will beg to get a part in”, is all in my plan. Intern Lily, I don’t know who you are, but I’m creeped out by the sameness of our plans, and the power Ellen Page has over all of us.

  8. a redesign!!! that’s exciting. AS’s current design is pretty sweet (i’m a fan of the coffee rings), though is IS a little cramped on my little powerbook. the autostraddler of the day makes up for it all. lookin’ forward to version 2 point ohhhhh yeah.

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