Sunday Funday Trusts Kate McKinnon’s Bananapants Doctor More than the CDC

Hello, friends, and a happy National Coming Out Day upon you! The days are getting shorter but cooler so I’m trying to spend as much time as I can on my back slab of concrete, which Stacy and I have taken to calling “the veranda” like we’re the Golden Girls or something. (She’s a Dorothy and I’m a… gosh, am I a Rose? Surely not.) Yesterday, I cooked a big ol’ pot of vegetable soup and cornbread and today it’s gonna be tomato and goat cheese pie. I’m trying to stay away from the news this weekend, except for the good news, which I am bringing to you! How are you making the most of the days these days?

+ Kate McKinnon’s Dr. Wayne Weknowdis appeared for the first time on SNL last night to give a second opinion on Trump’s COVID status, and even though she completely broke down, I still trust Dr. Weknowdis over the Centers for Disease Control!

+ For National Coming Out Day, The Wrap’s running down celebs who came out this year.

+ 15 LGBTQ TV characters who technically didn’t come out.

+ Demi Lovato and Tan France hosted a coming out special on Facebook Watch.

+ Queer people from across sports share coming out stories.

+ Noelle Stevenson did an illustrated coming out story for Oprah magazine.

+ Mexican feminists turned a government building into a women’s shelter.

+ How an Adobe employee made every device in the world queerer — with emoji.

+ KK Slider has a Sufjan Stevens cover band.

+ Trans woman triumphantly changes name to Ellen Potter after sharing deadname with You-Know-Who’s most famous wizard.

+ Related: Neil Gaiman and Stephen King have had enough of JKR’s transphobia.

+ Marry Berry has been made a dame!

+ Witches are trying to figure out whose spell gave Trump COVID.

+ New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern wants to ban conversion therapy.

+ And finally: this is lovely!

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Heather Hogan

Heather Hogan is an Autostraddle senior editor who lives in New York City with her wife, Stacy, and their cackle of rescued pets. She's a member of the Television Critics Association, GALECA: The Society of LGBTQ Entertainment Critics, and a Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer critic. You can also find her on Twitter and Instagram.

Heather has written 1718 articles for us.


  1. As somebody who has spent the last couple weeks trying to get people to visit my elaborate Labyrinth-movie-recreation theme island to mostly baffled response (I keep forgetting that most people who play this game are 20 years younger than me, sigh), I deeply appreciate the very niche appeal of KK Slider x Sufjan Stevens.

  2. I’d love to visit your island. A Labyrinth theme sounds awesome! (says someone who is also 20 years older than most people playing)

  3. So, i posted the witchy link on my friend’s facebook and her friend jumped in and said “Real witches don’t other hurt people even as evil as Trump.”. It’s like bitch, I fucking know that.

    Next time, I’m messaging my friend directly with anything funny. Before her friend sucks the fun out of another joke.

    You guys understand where I’m coming from, right? Like I was trying to be cute and funny with my friend and someone just jumps right in and ruins it. That would annoy you too, right?

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