Sunday Funday is Texting T. Rex Emoji to Cool Lady Wrestlers

KaeLyn is a 40-year-old hard femme bisexual dino mom. You can typically find her binge-watching TV, standing somewhere with a mic or a sign in her hand, over-caffeinating herself, or just generally doing too many things at once. She lives in Upstate NY with her spouse, a baby T. rex, a scaredy cat, an elderly betta fish, and two rascally rabbits. You can buy her debut book, Girls Resist! A Guide to Activism, Leadership, and Starting a Revolution if you want to, if you feel like it, if that's a thing that interests you or whatever.
KaeLyn has written 230 articles for us.
I don’t have a cell phone or use emojis other than a smiley face every so once and a while, but I do love the one that appears to be a mama nursing!
I love that one, too! Though I have no idea what context I’d use that in, but whatever!
I miss Whitney Pow
Whitney is just as adorable and sweet and smart-as-hell as you remember, @carmensandiego!