Sunday Funday Is Swooning Over Sue Bird With Megan Rapinoe

Happy Sunday, friends! Last Sunday was Ari’s last roundup for you, and they left you with so many good wishes and so much love! I’m here and queer to fill in until we have a new columnist to go steady with you. It’s a cool 61 degrees here in New York City; all my cats are in all the windows; and I’m going to make some buttermilk biscuits as soon as I publish this Funday! If, like me, you’re trying not to check the news incessantly because it’s terrible for your mental health, but also it’s hard not to check the news incessantly because everything is so forkin’ bananas, I hope you’ll remember to stay hydrated, at least, and that these good gay-ish links will keep you distracted for a little while.

+ It’s time for the WNBA finals, you gays! Seattle leads the Aces 1-0. Game two is today at 3:00pm. You’ve really gotta read this thing Megan Rapinoe wrote about Sue Bird.

+ How a Black lesbian took down a racist, pandemic-partying fraternity in the deep south.

+ Trans recognition is improving despite right-wing backlash around the world.

+ The elusive Mariah Carey’s new memoir.

+ Related!

+ Japan Airlines drops “ladies and gentlemen” for gender-neutral greetings.

+ The unsung heroes of suffrage and Civil Rights movement.

+ Natalie has published her comprehensive voter’s guide! Remember: making a plan to vote on election day is like shopping for Christmas on December 24th. Today’s the last day to register to vote in Alaska and South Carolina, and Monday’s the last day for Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Ohio, Tennessee and Texas!

+ TikTok’s queer “it girls” are creating new LGBTQ+ safe spaces.

+ Laura Jane Grace’s surprise new album is “everything quarantine music should be.” 

+ Doris Burke on life inside the NBA bubble.

+ Canada revives efforts to ban conversion therapy nationwide.

+ You’ve probably heard by now, queer people are way more likely to suffer from migraines. One of my all-time favorite YouTubers, queer disability activist and all around charmer, Jessica Kellgren-Fozard, has made you a video of migraine cures NOT to try.

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Heather Hogan

Heather Hogan is an Autostraddle senior editor who lives in New York City with her wife, Stacy, and their cackle of rescued pets. She's a member of the Television Critics Association, GALECA: The Society of LGBTQ Entertainment Critics, and a Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer critic. You can also find her on Twitter and Instagram.

Heather has written 1718 articles for us.


    • Oh what, I somehow missed that you were leaving AS!! I’m sad to see you go, but I wish you all the best wherever you may go from here. Thank you so much for all that you’ve contributed to this community, and for the much-needed but probably unpleasant work of keeping the comments section free of garbage. Much love <3

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