Sunday Funday Is Making Cocktails in Our Robes With Divas

Hello! It’s Sunday morning and I haven’t had my coffee yet and I have that feeling in my chest/stomach that feels very similar to when I’m about to cry? Bodies are very strange. Last night I woke up just to kick my laptop off the bed and then immediately fell back asleep. Earlier this week I had an IT band injury from, wait for it… underuse. My body is definitely trying to tell me something, just what, I am unsure. However I will keep listening to her (yeah, my body is a her even though I’m not, it’s fine). I will be gentle with her and myself and the world and my friends and my emotions and I will start that process by sharing some good news with you!

+ Some thoughts on anti-imperialist transnational feminism sounds just about right for now, don’t you think?

+ A motorcycle-riding leftist feminist Is coming for Turkey’s government!!

+ Hey, just wanna make sure you got to see Audra McDonald, Meryl Streep, and Christine Baranski in white bathrobes making cocktails and singing “Ladies Who Lunch” last week?????

+ More lesbian TV: this time, the new Netflix documentary, A Secret Love

+ Also, did you watch The Half of It this weekend? Whenever you watch, be sure to check out #TheHalfofItNetflix on Twitter to see what our TV team, plus the cast and creators had to say about it! After you watch, read Malinda Lo‘s review of the film for Autostraddle and  Drew’s interview with creator Alice Wu!

+ Animal Crossing is a social platform first, and a game second. We need more of those!

+ IDK maybe you want to learn something today?

+ Queer visibility in The Last Unicorn

+ Seven queer fantasy films to transport you into another world.

+ Queer! All Girl! Skate! Crew!!!!!

+ Check out Netflix’s new series Hollywood, and all the cool queers behind it!

+ The “Insider Art” Anthology is here to support women and nonbinary artists!

Keep on trucking babes. Take note of the flowers growing, and the clouds, and the phases of the moon, and your neighbors. Pay attention to your community. We need each other, and we will make it through this by actively supporting one another. Stay home unless you have to go out. Wear a mask. Wash it as soon as you get in. Fall back in love with bleach. I love you, we got this.

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Ari is a 20-something artist and educator. They are a mom to two cats, they love domesticity, ritual, and porch time. They have studied, loved, and learned in CT, Greensboro, NC, and ATX.

Ari has written 330 articles for us.


  1. feeling very seen by the last unicorn piece. was obsessed with that when i was a kid (and beyond…)
    explains a lot

  2. Thanks for posting the “Ladies Who Lunch” clip. I’m a Sondheim-obsessed musical theatre lesbo with a kink for Mommis, so this was literally my wet dream.

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