Sunday Funday Is Feeding the Lesbian Seagulls At The All-Girl Baseball Game

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KaeLyn is a 40-year-old hard femme bisexual dino mom. You can typically find her binge-watching TV, standing somewhere with a mic or a sign in her hand, over-caffeinating herself, or just generally doing too many things at once. She lives in Upstate NY with her spouse, a baby T. rex, a scaredy cat, an elderly betta fish, and two rascally rabbits. You can buy her debut book, Girls Resist! A Guide to Activism, Leadership, and Starting a Revolution if you want to, if you feel like it, if that's a thing that interests you or whatever.

KaeLyn has written 230 articles for us.


  1. Olivia Clines, 12, GTB is my new hero.

    Also I read about that human chain, but had no idea a lesbian couple initiated the rescue effort. Doubly awesome!

  2. ‘‘They had fertile eggs, which means that females were consorting with males at some point,’ George says. But the birds appeared to use the males only for procreation, returning to each other to raise their families.”’

    This right here is the future that liberals want.

  3. London tube is great :) an unintended positive part of it is it also includes all ages. I’ve been the main one in my family listening out for what such announcements actually said since I was a kid (deaf parents) so kids do listen to these things.

  4. 1. My sexuality IS Sue Perkins

    2. Okay TfL, I’m not forgiving you for the pride posters but that was a good step towards a reconciliation, thank you.

  5. I donated to the girls travelling baseball organization because girls pissing off the patriarchy from such a young age gives me all the feels. Get em girls!

  6. When I was in year 8 at school, a group of girls in my class came up with a song called ‘The Lesbian Seagull’, and they sang it all the time for a year, so I still remember the words. It went: ‘the lesbian seagull flies through the sky, not looking for a man but a girl. She flies east and west and tries her very best to find another lesbian seagull’.

    I kind of half believe I hallucinated this, but I’m pretty sure at one point the whole class were allowed to perform this song in assembly in front of the whole year with an accompanying seagull dance. This might be the only occasion in my life where this bizarre anecdote is actually relevant.

    • No, this is real. There is a 1970’s song called, “Lesbian Seagull”, by Engelbert Humperdink (his real name). My childhood understanding was that it was about a character from the book, Johnathan Livingston Seagull, but I have no idea. Going to google it and get deep now.

      P.S. there is a video for the song on youtube

  7. I feel like it’s super important to just add in here the news about the 13th Doctor, who will be played by Jodie Whittaker, making the Doctor a woman for the first time in forever.

    I hope they continue the trend of having the Doctor be pansexual with her.

  8. Oh god I love Sue Perkins. Also: for absolutely no reason, they threw this into the end of the article about her, lolol:

    “In the past, Miley Cyrus described herself as both pansexual and gender-neutral, saying that she is “open to every single thing that is consenting and doesn’t involve an animal and everyone is of age.””

  9. ‘”Can I say something else?” Confidently and unprompted, she says, “I will want to play baseball until I’m not allowed to play anymore.”

    She’s only ever known baseball, and she already knows one day someone will stop her from playing.’

    There are no words. As a teacher – as a human being, this makes me so incredibly sad and angry. No child should ever be told “you can’t”.

    Rock on GTB girls – show the world your strength.

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