Show Us Your “The Weather Is Finally Good” Style!

If you’re anything like me, the past several months have been tough ones. Not just because of what a shitshow the world seems like right now, but also because, gah, can you remember the last time it was sunny for three days straight?

Well, friends, that time has come! I celebrated this week’s stellar weather in New York by test-driving some amazing “Guy O’Sport” shorts I picked up at Goodwill last fall (and by blinding fellow park-goers with my thighs), and now I’m ready to see your warm weather looks — so do me a solid and contribute to Autostraddle’s “The Weather Is Finally Good” outfit gallery!

The specifics:
• Send a photo of you in your fresh summer threads to by Friday, May 26 June 9. You don’t need a fancy camera! High-quality phone photos are fine — just make sure your photo is at least 1024 pixels wide.
• Include your name, age, location, and occupation (these aren’t all required, but you know, it’d be cool to get to know you), as well as one or two sentences about your outfit and how you’ve been making the most of the warm weather.
• To quote Laneia: “I reserve the right to edit your sentence/s for length or spelling errors. (I’m a pretty good editor though, so.) Your photo will appear in a full screen gallery on — the main site, not A+ — and might be used on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr) to promote the gallery. If you don’t want your photo to appear on social media, please make a note of that with your submission. You reserve full rights to your photo. Photos will not be used to promote anything other than this exact gallery, and will not be used in any other future post.

Any questions? Leave ’em in the comments!

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Nora is a writer and shoot producer living in Brooklyn. Send her links to weird clothing and dog videos to nora [at] autostraddle [dot] com.

Nora has written 52 articles for us.


  1. I was wondering how you guys were gonna come up with more gallery ideas, I like this one! Now I have to find a good outfit….

  2. San Diego can’t decide if the weather should be warm or cold, yet. It starts doing the summer thing, but then it second guesses itself for a day or two.

  3. It’s the 19th of May, and there’s snow on the ground here in Boulder, Colorado. What is this “summer” you speak of, stranger?

    • Something that happens in the lands across the mountains to the south of ye, it is cruel and mercilessly hot as life a fire were alight upon yer back yet gives life to many fruits and wondrous green thangs.

    • I’m sorry, but also I’m not because don’t Coloradoans get like 300 sunny days per year?!

    • It was so hot people got sunburned here in Scotland then. Now its rainy all the damn time.

  4. Yeah it was nice for like one day, and then the cold rainy weather came back. I’m grumpy about it.

  5. Since Portland finally remembered it’s almost June, I’m making plans to grab a gal pal, bikes, and rock hella cycling kit.

  6. What’s it like up there in the Northern Hemisphere? I’m freezing down here in New Zealand!

    • It’s okay I guess, but I feel like you’re in much closer proximity to warm, snuggle-able sheep than I am! Pros/cons.

  7. YAAASSSS! I’m wearing a cute outfit for work tomorrow Im so excited! :D

  8. lol I love that this post came out while it was pouring rain on those of us at camp!!! ?

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