Welcome to Saturday Morning Cartoons, a segment where four artists take turns delighting you with their whimsy, facts and punchlines on Saturday mornings! Our esteemed cartoon critters are Cameron Glavin, Anna Bongiovanni, Megan Prazenica and Yao Xiao. Today’s cartoon is by Anna!
Best part of my Saturday? These two!
I really wish I could be friends with them IRL.
Yep, I would totally go to the library with Scout anytime
Omg. So many good things.
Support rat tails shirt. Best. Life and art and Facebook convos.
Queer chair dancing. YES yes.
I learned chair dancing at camp but was too shy to perform.
Summer slump is such a real thing!! My days are either working forever, or hanging out on my own because everyone is having crazy fun holidays. Please bring me back my normal routine!!
^^ nothing but truth here ^^
I know!! So glad others understand!
This comic is TOTALLY my after-school special. Every time.
I am the only one who imagines Scout voice to be similar to actor Jeff Anderson(Randal from the Clerks movies)?
oh my god!
Good or bad?
“You’re a person of substance and action!”
“Substantial HIP action!”
Hahaha oh Andy. Andy is so Andy I don’t even know what else to say.
Andy IS so Andy! hahaha
I am probably going to start saying this in real life. “that is so andy” “I am real Andy right now”
This is my partner in a HIGHLY relevant drag performance:
HEY @myusernamewastaken I’d like to submit this magic to comment awards so everyone in the straddleverse can enjoy this beautiful video of the most perfect dance ever created.
As someone who used to gogo dance…
that will just make you sweatier. Duh, Andy!
More importantly, I’m loving that these two provide a bit of Saturday blues comfort. <3
I can guarantee you that Andy did not put together the dancing and the sweating.
Substantial hip action. Ha! Not a bad thing to learn.
I fucking love this comic
thank you!!
The promised rat tails crop top! Yay!
The people asked and I delivered.
Andy, I do NOT support rat tails. We live in a society!
A society OF rat tails
a rat tail society!!
I am almost P O S I T I V E I’ve texted “No one is matching up with me on tinder. I’m constantly sweaty because humidity. I’m too busy working to be interesting!” before. Like, that has been true.”
Sometimes when I am feeling floppy my friends will ask “what’s wrong? no one matched with you on tinder? are you sweaty?” these are the biggest problems I have right now #blessed?
@whiskeyghost I love how much both characters are you :)
you know me so well! :)
Yes! Summer slump!
June was my move/trip to israel (not so slumpy I know)
July was adjusting to my new job.
I’m still catching up with people about things I did over a month ago because working is exhausting. And work makes it hard to find time to hang out with people. And I want to catch up with old people but I also want to meet new people on okc. How do I do all the things?!?!!