Welcome to Saturday Morning Cartoons, a segment where four artists take turns delighting you with their whimsy, facts and punchlines on Saturday mornings! Our esteemed cartoon critters are Cameron Glavin, Anna Bongiovanni, Megan Prazenica and Yao Xiao. Today’s cartoon is by Anna!
Exxxxxcellent reference.
It’s my birthday and I feel like this is the best gift of all. <3
"I always get a Spring sunburn." My life too, my life too.
It’s my birthday, too! Happy birthday, bday buddy!
“Stoop Kid’s afraid to leave their stoop! Stoop Kid’s afraid to leave their stoop!”
Happy birthday!! Also that happens to me to. Womp. One year, in January, I stepped outside for about 25 min and got a sunburn… It was a low point.
This hit close to home. My relationship to my mum is strained at the moment, not only because of queer issues but others, and it seems she has no intention of changing anything about her behaviour. I have really tried to communicate but there is no result. She would like to stay in touch but does not want anything to change, or doesn’t want see that so much already has.
And I have such a need to connect with her. It is heartbreaking.
It is surprisingly painful and really difficult. Thank you for this.
*want to see
i already have a spring sunburn
This comic is especially awesome
“this stoop is our fate now” is such a great line.
“I’m drunker than I look”
Is Andy me
I think Andy is me
Ah yes, the spring sunburn. I know it so well.