S L I C K: Cass Auto Repairs

Content notes: finger fucking, nipple play, butch/femme

Noa exited her Uber and paused in front of Cass Auto Repairs, eyes focused on the neon sign with the place’s name above. It was 6:50pm, ten minutes before closing time. Half the shop was shut closed, except for the side entrance. Noa pulled on the hem of the ridiculously short sundress she had slipped on despite the cold night winds. Her jean jacket did very little to keep her warm, but she had chosen the dress because it made her feel sexy, and if she was going to ask out her mechanic, the hottest woman she had ever met, she had to look her best.

She walked with wobbly legs (the platform shoes might have been overkill) through the entrance to the garage. She was greeted with the sight of Cass in her gray coveralls standing over her 1990 Mazda Miata’s popped hood, hands on her narrow hips, her muscular arms straining against the sleeves. The mechanic turned and gave Noa a warm smile. Noa immediately felt a familiar throbbing between her legs, the one she got whenever she laid eyes on Cass.

“Hey,” Cass greeted her customer.


“I told you I’d be done in time for your sister’s wedding,” Cass said smugly, smirking at her.

Noa had to make a conscious effort not to sigh dreamily when they made eye contact. The throbbing increased, and despite her exposed legs, she started feeling hot. Three weeks and six meetings later, Noa hadn’t gotten used to Cass’ light brown eyes, her high cheekbones and her curly undercut with the single strand that always hung over her forehead.

“I never doubted you,” Noa replied earnestly. She got another smile on return. She could feel herself getting wetter by the second.

“So, to recap, I fixed the transmission, replaced the busted headlights….”

Noa zoned out as Cass explained all the changes and upgrades to the car. It’s not like she would understand much of what Cass said. Noa had always had someone else deal with her car troubles — usually a friend, a girlfriend or her father when he was in town. But after a car wreck that ended with a bottle of red wine bursting all over her backseat, Noa needed a professional, and a professional she found. Cass had treated her as nothing more than a customer, albeit attentively. Meanwhile, Noa would leave the garage flustered and with her panties drenched each time.

“Do you mind if I change real quick before we look over the final bill?” Cass asked, wiping her grease-stained hands on her muscular thighs. Noa shook her head, afraid of how her voice might sound when she was this turned on. 

Cass left her alone with her car, and Noa finally gave the Miata a good look. Everything on the outside was done better than she could have imagined. The paint job was immaculate. All the bumps and indentations were gone. She opened one of the rear doors and gave the new upholstery a long look. It didn’t seem like the car she had crashed on the way to her sister’s engagement party. She ducked her head inside and relished the new car smell coming from her 30-year-old vehicle.

Someone cleared their throat behind her. Noa froze.

“Everything look good?” 

Noa started backing out of the car as she replied, very aware that her ass was in full display. Her hands reached back to pull on her dress, afraid that it had ridden up and caused her to moon Cass. She wanted to seduce her crush, not flash her.

“Y-yeah. It looks amazing. I don’t know how you pulled it off, b-“ Noa stood upright and turned to face the mechanic, only to find herself inches away from her beautiful face. She took a step back and stumbled on her excessively high platforms. Cass grabbed her waist and pulled her forward, a bit too hard, hard enough that Noa istumbled into Cass’ arms, holding onto her shoulders, their faces inches away. 

Noa’s eyes darted in all directions, looking for a safe spot to focus her sight on, but there was nowhere else to look, not when the world’s hottest mechanic was embracing her. Without the coveralls and with most of the grease scrubbed off her body, Cass smelled like oranges. The throbbing that had faded between Noa’s legs came back in full force at the feel of Cass’s hands on her waist and her sinewy arms around her.


“Mh-hm?” Noa replied, eyes fixed on Cass’s left temple, pretending like she couldn’t feel Cass’ warm breath on her face.

“I apologize if I’ve been reading things very wrong, but can I kiss you?”

Against a pink background, a person with black hair and dark brown skin wearing a purple sweater and pink mini skirt grinds on top of a person with half-shaved brown hair and light brown skin wearing a yellow T-shirt and a wrench pendant. A "Cass Auto Repairs" sign is visible in the background.

Art by En Tze

Something snapped in Noa’s mind. Her vagina, which clenched almost painfully at the question, must have taken over because she found herself grabbing Cass’s angular face and pressing her lips against hers. Cass returned the kiss immediately, pulling Noa closer. Noa had no idea how long it had been before they pulled away, out of breath. They shared a coy smile before bringing their lips together again and again. Cass bit on Noa’s lower lip, and Noa sighed contently, opening her mouth to deepen the kiss. 

Cass pushed Noa against the car, shoving her jean-clad knee under her skirt and between her legs. Noa started rocking herself against her, moaning into her mouth at the friction on her slit. Her hands slid from Cass’s wide cheekbones towards her small breasts. She squeezed them softly. No bra. Cass hummed encouragingly, prompting her to grab them harder, feeling the hardened nipples under her palms. She rubbed her thumbs over them, and Cass responded by grabbing Noa’s ass and pulling her higher up her thigh. 

Cass then moved away from Noa’s lips and started kissing her way to Noa’s earlobe, giving it a soft bite. Noa whimpered. Cass pulled her knee away and ran her hand up Noa’s inner thigh, pausing to await permission. Noa granted it by grabbing Cass’ hand and placing it over her sex firmly. Cass chuckled and brought her other hand under the skirt, hooking her fingers on one side of her customer’s thong to move it away while she ran two fingers over the dripping slit between Noa’s legs. Noa threw her head back and gasped.

“So sensitive,” Cass whispered, running her fingers up and down Noa’s labia until they were drenched. She teased her opening and Noa whined, opening her legs further. Cass pushed deep inside her, relishing in the sounds that came from both pairs of Noa’s lips. The hand that remained unoccupied grabbed Noa’s inner thigh, pulling her open.

As Cass’ fingers entered her over and over, Noa’s moans became progressively louder as she reached her peak in a personal record. Cass felt her tightening and sped up, watching Noa shudder and whimper as she neared her climax. Cass pressed her thumb against her clit and rubbed a few circles. That was all it took for Noa to come around her fingers, gasping.

Noa placed her hand over Cass’ wrist, and Cass removed her fingers, bringing them up to her lips and licking them clean. 

Noa grabbed Cass’ face again, sliding her tongue into her mouth, tasting herself. She turned them around, gently pushing Cass inside the open car. Cass had to lie across the backseat with her legs hanging out the side of the vehicle. Noa crawled on top of her. She kissed Cass deeply, raising Cass’s plain t-shirt to her chin, exposing her breasts. Noa grabbed Cass’ left breast firmly and wrapped her lips around the right one’s pebbled nipple. Cass sighed as Noa licked and sucked on it, pinching and pulling the opposite nipple at the same rhythm. 

Noa then switched sides, playing with the right breast. Cass moaned her name, burying her hand in Noa’s hair. Noa heard Cass undo her button and pull down her zipper. Noa slid her hand from the breast she was caressing down Cass’ navel and into Cass’ underwear. She buried her fingers in the dark locks of her mound and softly ran her finger up and down her clit, teasing. Cass pulled her hair gently, guiding Noa’s mouth from her breast to her mouth for a kiss. 

Noa pressed down harder on Cass’ clit, this time with two fingers. Noa rubbed circles over the swollen bud, and Cass’ deep moan egged her on. She massaged Cass’ tongue with hers, swallowing her moans. Noa slid her fingers further down, opening her lips and stuffing a finger into Cass’ wet hole. She stroked her walls slowly until she found Cass’ G-spot and added another finger. Cass started pushing her hips down to meet Noa’s fingers, bringing her deeper inside her. Noa sped up as Cass whimpered “yes” in her ear repeatedly. She felt Cass tighten around her fingers and added a third, pulling in and out in short and quick strokes. Cass came hard, squeezing her fingers until she couldn’t move them.

When Cass finally relaxed around her fingers, Noa pulled them out, bringing them to her mouth as Cass had done before. Cass laughed and pulled Noa in for a sloppy kiss.

“Was it worth the wait?” Cass asked her.


“Don’t play dumb. You’ve wanted me since the first time we met.”

Noa felt her face warm up. She chuckled awkwardly.

“That obvious, huh?”


“Why didn’t you say anything?”

“You were my customer; I wasn’t gonna make the first move. I did try to let you know I was interested, though.”

“You did?”

Cass belly-laughed, wrapping her arm around Noa’s waist.

“You actually thought I needed you to come down here every time I had a question?”

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Lexie Barnes

Lexie has written 1 article for us.


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