Reine #12: Take A Sip, Babes

An eight panel comic of two queers drinking an ice cold can of seltzer water. They both have short hair cuts and are wearing tank tops — one of them has their hair dyed blue. They drink all day long, and then after they get ready for bed one of them gets stuck drinking the warm leftover seltzer at the end of the day.

Stay hydrated.

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Ren Strapp

Ren Strapp is a comic artist, designer, and gender nonconforming lesbian werewolf. Her work is inspired by risograph printing and American traditional tattooing. She loves weight lifting and hiking. Support her work on Patreon.

Ren has written 65 articles for us.


  1. Sipping that much right before bed? Somebody’s gonna have to get up a few times throughout the night!

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