Quiz: Which Pokemon Is Your Gender?

Ah, gender! A concept as elusive and shrouded in mystery as the world’s favorite pocket monsters! And so I have created this very scientifically sound quiz to help you catch both.

Which Pokemon Is Your Gender?

Choose some keycaps.(Required)
What TV show would you recommend to your friends?(Required)
What TV show would you recommend to your enemies?(Required)
What's this cat's name?(Required)
What's your battle ability:(Required)
Pick a professor.(Required)
What's the best smell?(Required)
Pick a pack of Oreos.(Required)
Your perfect date must include:(Required)
Which Disney "villain" would you let step on your neck?(Required)

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Heather Hogan

Heather Hogan is an Autostraddle senior editor who lives in New York City with her wife, Stacy, and their cackle of rescued pets. She's a member of the Television Critics Association, GALECA: The Society of LGBTQ Entertainment Critics, and a Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer critic. You can also find her on Twitter and Instagram.

Heather has written 1718 articles for us.


  1. I am a Pokemon virgin but I like this character’s energy and description!

    Your gender is Luxray:
    You are electric! Mama energy and Papa energy, wrapped up in lightning! You see yourself clearly, even if you don’t reveal the fullness of who you are to everyone around you. And you can see through everything else, too.

  2. I know nothing of Pokemon (never understood the appeal, personally), but I got Gothorita. Well, when it comes to gender, I’m a binary transwoman. When it it comes to exploring vastness, though? Well, I did study astrophysics in college (still wishing someone would let me use that education), so that’s spot on.

  3. I am an old and have absolutely zero knowledge of Pokemon other than Pikachu is one. I also don’t have any experience with Oreos other than I hated the original one decades ago and never tried them again, and they have LEMON OREOS? Now I am going to hunt them down. Ugh and now I also suddenly want lemon coolers. But I got Mimikyu and that seems very accurate, as I am a big ole paul bunyan looking gay bear fairy, and also, I am having a black dog depression so I’d like to be a ghost and I’d kind of rather not be perceived

  4. It was unreasonably hard to choose between Ms. Frizzle and Ms. Honey omg (I chose Ms Honey bc I identify more with Matilda and am more of a book gay than a science gay but still! two icons of queer awakening!)

  5. I have never commented on an internet article in my whole life, and I know nothing about Pokemon. I only lurk, silently enjoying a gay internet quiz from time to time. I got Mimikyu. I have no idea what that means, but the picture does seem like an accurate depiction of my inner child.

  6. :) Galarian Rapidash: People sometimes mistake you for an innocent equine pal. Sure, your mane is glittery. And yeah, you’ve got a magical horn. You’re majestic! But you’re just as likely to use Poison Jab as Sunny Day. You’re no Lisa Frank unicorn, is what I’m saying.

  7. I got Gothorita, even though I tried for Mimikyu! I am not a Pokemon person, but there are a couple I think are really cute…Mimikyu being one of them. Oh well, at least Gothorita looks? spooky, which matches!

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