Quiz: Which Classic Bath and Body Works Scent Are You?

Allow me to take you back. You’re in middle school, your book bag is heavy and probably hanging a little too low. It’s the first day of school, you’re ready to tackle all the subjects and make some new friends. Maybe you lost some old ones at summer camp or someone told the rest of your group that you played “husband and wife” together so now you’re on the outs. Regardless, this year is gonna be your year, right?

Bath and Body Works scents ruled the hallways. They maybe aren’t as popular as they were back in our day, but you can still catch someone smelling like a petri dish of florals every now and again. What scent would you be today? Take this quiz to find out!

What scent was your go to back in the day? Let me know in the comments!

You’re home sick, what show are you putting on?(Required)
Your teacher asks for “strong boys” to help carry chairs, what do you do?(Required)
What school stereotype were you?(Required)
When purchasing lip gloss from the beauty supply store, what flavor did you get?(Required)
What was your signature hairstyle in elementary school?(Required)
You’ve got a crush, what do you do?(Required)
You were:(Required)

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Dani Janae is a poet and writer based out of Pittsburgh, PA. When she's not writing love poems for unavailable women, she's watching horror movies, hanging with her tarantula, and eating figs. Follow Dani Janae on Twitter and on Instagram.

danijanae has written 157 articles for us.


  1. Sensual Amber is absolutely on point. I could fuck with a cucumber melon or warm vanilla sugar, but what I really loved were the spicy scents. Also, i was a feminine child who always wanted to be a tomboy but knew I wasn’t, so the description nailed it too:
    “This was the scent I chose when I was ‘feeling a little masc’ as a kid, which tells you how much of a femme I am.”

    • Omg I HATED country apple! I loved cotton blossom, sensual amber, and twilight woods. I’m surprised I got the one I received as a gift though haha! Definitely have it away

  2. I was all about cherry blossom back in the day, but I got juniper on the quiz which feels right esp because I’ve been working through this juniper hard perfume.

  3. I would be none of these scents because all synthetic fragranced products make me seriously ill. (:

    I am once again asking Autostraddle to stop promoting scented products. They disable a lot of different people (people w/ asthma, COPD, MCAS, MECFS, allergies, etc). As a company, you have stated that you want to make the site more accessible and you want to include disabled people. Yet, I regularly see you promote scented products, with no caveats or disclaimers. Please do better in 2022.

    • Strong scents (natural or synthetic) are a migraine trigger for me, so I’m also really peeved @ people wearing perfumes in enclosed public spaces, (though I understand that’s quite different from them being disabling) – but I don’t see how this post is “promoting” scented products? It relies on nostalgia for a certain set of products/scents, but I’m pretty sure you can’t even buy most of these anymore ?

      I really appreciate events that specifically ask folks not to wear scented products, but I still expect people will buy/wear perfumes/lotions/etc. in the course of their lives. Genuinely curious what language you would want to have seen included here.

    • Oh for goodness sake’s! Can you actually smell this through your screen. Quit whining, I have asthma, it’s an article not a scent sampler.😂😂😂

  4. I was all about cherry blossom back in the day, but I got juniper on the quiz which feels right esp because I’ve been working through this juniper hard perfume thing.

  5. I remember being in the backseat of my best friend’s dad’s truck as he was about to drive us to the movies in 7th or 8th grade, and we decided to apply our Bath and Body Works body spray in that enclosed space for some reason, so he stopped in the middle of backing out of the driveway to be like, “OK GIRLS THAT’S ENOUGH SPRAY” after we’d each spritzed ourselves like 15 times. Suffice to say this quiz really took me back! (Also I made a “I’m focusing on my studies” joke about being a closeted teen literally today!)

    • I am Black raspberry although i was always a cucumber melon and sweet pea girl back in the day and still is.

  6. got juniper breeze, which is both true and what I was def most partial to as a young person. it had an evergreen smell I think? which I’m inclined to say makes it the gayest – I think I was partial to it b/c it reminded me the most of a masculine scent. was forever confused as a wee tomboy why men were the only ones who got “clean” smelling products and women’s scents had be either sweet or musky.

  7. Cucumber Melon seems pretty on point. Felt very seen with my crushes on the teacher. I wish I’d had those tv options when I was home sick, though. I was lucky if I could find Price is Right.

  8. Alexa, play Fancy by Reba McEntire 🍎 I love my result! Spot on for my junior high self.

    “You got Country Apple!

    McIntosh Apple, Apple Blossom, Fresh Muguet, Sheer Sunlight, Orchard Woods. What does Sheer Sunlight even smell like? Who knows, but you’re the kind of person that revels in that light, you don’t mind getting a little dirty. Hell, you’re country!”

  9. I was deeply committed to cucumber melon back in the day, but got Japanese cherry blossom on the quiz, which is probably the closest scent to what I might like today, so I guess we’re all winners?

  10. I missed the whole Bath and Body Works fad – both because I’m GenX but also because my mom is very, very sensitive to scents so I just never got into them. I do remember friends of mine being into Bath and Body in my 20s but not me.

    So I think it’s hilarious that I got Brown Sugar Fig – “Fresh Fig, Coconut Milk, Caramelized Brown Sugar. You’re sexy”. WTF kind of combination is that?!?

  11. Honestly, I had the whole line, but Warm Vanilla Sugar is pretty special. Was never a mean kid though. How could you be mean and like the smell of cookies?

  12. “You were probably kind of mean as a kid but you smelled good and maybe had one nerd you protected cause you thought they were kinda cute.” – Yes! I feel seen 😂

  13. “Your crush is the teacher so you try to impress them by being smart”


    how did you KNOW

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