Queer Sex Coven: Honey Jar Spells

Welcome back to Queer Sex Coven, witches. This month we are trying something unusual: Rather than manipulate others through seduction, we are going to attract partners and make exes jealous by becoming insufferably successful.

What are honey jar spells?

Honey jar spells are exactly what they sound like ⁠— spells made with a jar and honey. They are a form of sympathetic magick, which refers to using representation to produce an outcome. Honey is sacred, and it also sweetens. If you Google “honey jar spells” an array of love and seduction spells will appear. You can do a spell to help make someone like you, but it’s ill-advised. Jar spells work slowly and last a long time. They’re meant to be kept somewhere sacred, like a snowglobe, away from damage. Imagine if you made a honey jar spell for everyone you’ve ever had a crush on — if the idea of your ex-lovers lined up stuck to you like honey doesn’t freak you out then you’re living life wrong. However, career success is something worth lasting. It’s easier magickally to lift ourselves up than influence others, and the best revenge is living well.

What do I need?

You will need a small mason jar (ideally a quarter pint), honey, a paper and a pen, glitter, and three pennies. If you don’t use honey you can use sugar and water instead.

When is the best time to cast the spell?

Cast the spell during the waxing, full, or new moon. Working with the moon is also a form of sympathetic magick. Since we are trying to grow our money and career, we want to avoid the waning moon, in which the moon gets smaller.

Step-by-Step Breakdown:

1. Sage all of your ingredients.
2. Meditate and focus on your desires. Are you opening a new business? Landing a gig? Obtaining a new business opportunity that will mean a truckload of Instagram-able outfits?
3. Take your paper. It will need to be a small enough sheet to fold and fit inside your jar. Write a concise letter of intention that states exactly what you want. Sign it with your name. Be careful what you wish for!
4. Fold up the paper and place it in the bottom of your jar. You can get small mason jars online or from hardware stores. You can reuse one that contained jam or something of the sorts, but be sure to clean and cleanse it thoroughly (with soap and also sage).
5. Place three pennies in the jar.
6. Pour enough honey in the jar to cover the paper and pennies. If you’re a vegan who avoids honey, you can sprinkle sugar in the jar instead. Once the pennies and intention letter are covered, add glitter. Gold and green glitter represent wealth, but use whatever sparkles that you’re drawn to.
7. Gently pour water over the fillings until the jar is filled to the brim. Screw the lid tightly and shake it up!
8. Admire your magickal work. Place your honey jar somewhere safe, and where it can live happily for a long time, such as on top of your bookshelf. Keep it away from direct sunlight.
As your spell works and you prosper, don’t forget to show off your success to attract lovers, make enemies jealous, and your ex miss you. Blessed be.

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Sophie Saint Thomas

Sophie Saint Thomas is a freelance writer based in Brooklyn and is originally from the U.S. Virgin Islands. High Times named her one of their “100 Women in High Places” for her writing on cannabis, and Brooklyn Magazine has named her one of their "30 Under 30's" in their annual Envy List. She has been published in GQ, Playboy, VICE, Cosmopolitan, Forbes, Allure, Glamour, Marie Claire, High Times, Nylon, Refinery29, Complex, Harper’s Bazaar, PRIDE Magazine, SELF, and more. She currently lives in Greenpoint with her two marmalade tabby cats, Mama Cat and Major Tom Cat. She has more than one David Bowie tattoo. Follow Sophie on Twitter.

Sophie has written 14 articles for us.


  1. Is there a good/safe way to dispose of these jars in a way that won’t disrupt the magic? Or should the jar be kept intact until you’re finished with that intention..

    • The jar should be intact. You can burn candles on it to continue the vibe. Jars that you’ve finished working can be buried in your yard or in a potted plant if you don’t have a yard. While the jar is working you can wrap it in cloth so it won’t be seen/disturbed if you don’t keep a visible altar.

  2. You mention saging one’s ingredients, by which I assume you mean using sage to smudge/purify them. Could you add a note about not using critically overharvested white sage? I’m sure you know about this, Sophie, but less experienced witches reading this might not.

  3. You can’t take a traditionally African-American conjure spell for love and turn it into career magic because you feel like it. It’s sloppy. There’s plenty of money and career magic out there, with ingredients that correspond accordingly. This is just laziness.

  4. Love this, money and honey ! Thanks Sophie.

    I understand “sage” as a verb so I’ll “sage” everything using my own purifying ritual.

  5. Hello my name is carolina peter i want to share my amazing experience with the greatest spell caster Dr tunde my husband was cheating on me and when i found out we had a fight which lead to him filling for a divorce i cried and fell sick when i was searching about love quotes online i saw people talking about him and his great work whose case was similar to mine they left his contact info i contacted him and he told me not to worry that after 48hrs he will cancel the divorce and be back to me after i did everything he asked me to do to my greatest surprise the next day evening it was my husband he knelt down begging me to accept him back,thank you once again Dr tunde you are indeed a blessing to me he can also help you contact babatundesolutioncentre1@gmail.com or you can reach him on whatsapp +2348143581382 he also specialize in treating all kinds of illness, HERPES VIRUS, HEPATITIS B, CANCER, BRAIN DISEASE, INFERTILITY, DIABETES AND MORE

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