Has it BAD for you* stupid autocorrect
Spencer is at home, getting texts from Emily about Ali’s mom having it out for her. Dean walks in. Surprise, Dean wants her to talk to him. She admits that she has huge holes in her brain from the summer Ali was killed.

Hey girl, you just close your eyes. I’m going to read a metaphor to you.
He says he is reading Jack Dempsey’s “Love at First Fight.” Is he seriously going to read to her right now?

There are like twenty applicable fart jokes that could go here.
Spencer’s mom comes home and finds Dean asleep on top of Spencer in the couch. They must have fallen asleep when he was reading to her.

Aaaaand THAT’S how lesbians make babies.
Mrs. Hastings fires him immediately. That’s just going to make her like him more, you know that?

FINALLY someone notices that they’ve been watched through the window forever.
Spencer definitely sees someone standing outside the window watching them.

Just take a moment to examine the fashion in this shot. What is going on here?
The Liars meet up to talk about Jason. They discuss who is in Ali’s grave. Who is after Ali? Not Ali’s mom.

Hanna, you can’t just put your whole hand in there like that, you have to ball your fingers together and make a fist.
Hanna runs in to tell them they are putting on wedding dresses for charity.
They need a reason to be in that house because of the clothes Ashley found.

Police of Rosewood: Crashin’ the hangouts of teen girls since 2010.
Officer Holbrook comes by to say that he doesn’t want to give them false hope, but says that if she is alive, there’s going to be a lot of questions.

Honey, I misplaced my RodeoH. Did it get mixed up with yours in the laundry?
Spencer’s mom is going through all of her stuff. She asks why Spencer doesn’t feel safe. Is she angry with Spencer for not feeling safe? Spencer asks for answers about that summer. Mrs. Hastings says that there was an incident that happened before Melissa left for school.

Stacy and Clinton would never approve of this one.

Mrs. Hastings, we really have to stop meeting like this.
Flashback! Mrs. Hastings is throwing away scissored clothing and Ali walks over to press her buttons. Did Melissa and Spencer have a fight? Spencer’s mom has a bit of a breakdown, asking why Spencer is acting “like this.”

hide ya kids, hide ya wife.
Spencer is hiding outside and Ali sees her. What?! What happened there?
Apparently those pills made Spencer a bit of a monster. Spencer’s mom begs her to leave that summer alone, which can’t be a good sign.

uhhhh awkward
Spencer looks out her window to see Mrs. DiLaurentis looking right in at her, then closing the blinds.

I told you I was busy practicing like I had no neck.
Hanna shows up at the wedding dress event thing and finds Buzzcut working. Okay, so he wasn’t just blowing her off. Now we can feel good about him as a person. Right?
Let’s have a ridiculous montage of people putting on wedding dresses. Don’t get me wrong, I love weddings and Pinterest and people being happily in love. But this is such a jump the shark kind of move.
The Liars all look pretty miserable, thank goodness.

ugh marriage is so heteronormative. imma go get civil unioned, bitches.
Spencer goes into the house to look for her veil and runs into Jason. Spencer says she is helping, not trying to hurt anyone.

If she was naked, that vase could be very cleverly placed.
She says they have a lot in common, what with their rehab stints and all. She also brings up that Jason saw CeCe wearing the exact same clothes at Ali’s house the night she disappeared. Could it have been not CeCe?

Blue Steel
Dean shows up to give Spencer his business card. CALLED IT. Called it that he’d fall for her. They awkwardly hug. Dean says Clark Center, the place where Jason supposedly went to rehab, has been closed for two years. Whaaaaaaaaat! He tells her to be careful, then leaves.

Love it when bosses get mad at you for doing your job.
Jessica is pissed that the Liars are modelling the dresses. Didn’t she already know Spence would model that dress A messed with last time?

Who pissed in Jessica DiLaurentis’ Cheerios this morning?
What is her deal? She was fake nice for so long.

Gosh how did Rose have her corset so tight on the Titanic and still manage to wildly dance in Steerage I just don’t get it
Spence tells the Liars that Jason lied. It’s time for them to model! Which we never see, which is really depressing. Remember their last runway thing? Where the video of Ali being a bitch came on? Were we ever so young? Anyway, Spencer goes outside and sees Jessica walking into the woods to give something to someone. It’s very vague. And of course she goes to find out what’s going on, which is probs the scene from the beginning.
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I totally agree that they really made Jessica’s evilness way over the top to the point where it’s ridiculous. At least with Ezra, you suddenly saw all of his previous behaviour in a new light, but this, it’s not even a matter of perspective or interpretation with Jessica! Yeesh!
And speaking of terrible development – the fact that Spencer went from loathing Dean to suddenly fawning over him because he fucking read to her? Omigod. Veronica nailed it with: “You can read on your own.” It was nice to see some of the moms acting like real moms (I actually cheered when Ella was behind the door. She’s the best mom.)
And the whole wedding thing was just…again, over the top and pointless. There was no *legitimate* development of the plot with the wedding dresses. It pretty much just made me drool over Emily’s dress (THAT CUT, MY GOD!!).
Tangent #3: I’m kind of glad that Emily broke up with Paige – that bathroom scene was super intense, but at the same time I’m pissed off because they obviously set it up so that Paige would be terrible in the end. WHY CAN’T EMILY HAVE A GIRLFRIEND FOR FOREVER LIKE STUPID SPOBY.
I have a feeling that Paige will be back with Emily sooner or later. They have kind of established the permanent romantic partner for each girl, and I don’t see it changing, spin-offs excluded.
I was never into the idea of a relationship that started with an attempted drowining, so I wish they would get Emily a new girlfriend! (Also kick Toby and Ezra to the curb. Hanna has the only decent taste in partners!)
I love these recaps. The Aria caption killed me “I’ve changed a lot, Mom! I only wear shirts on ONE shoulder now!” Haha.
I don’t get why they’ve suddenly made Mrs D so creepy, and how can she be A if she didn’t even know Spencer would be there/wearing that dress? IT DOSENT ADD UP.
Also, Emily’s dress is amaze.
So long Paige! Emily never being allowed a forever…or even for a while non invisible girlfriend reminds me of an article I read, way back when, in DIVA about the death of Tara on Buffy and how TV shows just wouldn’t show a happy, healthy lesbian relationship because of the possible terrifying ramifications…you know like people realising that can happen. We are fully over 10yrs later but it feels like in Liars they haven’t moved on. Then again if she had a functional relationship she would be a total anomaly given all the ridiculousness the other guys have with their various boyfriends.
” TV shows just wouldn’t show a happy, healthy lesbian relationship because of the possible terrifying ramifications…”
No lesbian relationship ever lasted on the history of television.
2014 and still not happening. I trusted Pretty little liars with every inch of my queer heart. The minute i thought i was having prime cuts of steak for dinner, They shoved up crumbs on my face. After all The back story about alison knew closeted paige
and blackmailed her and paige thought emily also knew like, How? Why F up the storyline so poorly.
:( feeling like i had been cheated on, I trusted you Pretty little liars.. trusted you..
Paige did exactly what a sensible girlfriend would do in that situation. What else can anybody do? What else but to seek help from the police. Normal citizens seeks for help. Paige slipping the note in the police car was not even as half sleazy as ezra’s shenanigans. Ezra is a pedophile. He had sex with a minor aria and almost certainly with a minor alison. He’s the real criminal but he can get a pass because of the screaming little girls from twitter who are always “ezra is so hot” “ezra is so sweet”
Respect the lesbian lead and her leading lady. Was i asking for too much pretty little liars? Was i.
Ahhhh I love your captions, they were slaying me! “Police of Rosewood: Crashin’ the hangouts of teen girls since 2010.”… too real, too real. Emily and Hanna in wedding dresses, on the floor next to a bed, gave me some serious gay “Just Married” vibes. I want this movie people!
Also look at the guest book: “mandi line,” above Cece’s name, is the PLL costume designer.
Up a few lines: Lazarus. Pretty sure that is the guy who Jesus raised from the dead, and you know how PLL loves their references! Most obviously could be a reference to Ali, or maybe something else is going on with Cece or Wilden. They did talk about Wilden an awful lot this ep.
I know so many people were on board with Paige and Emily’s relationship, and I was too, but in an earlier episode (I think last season) both of the girls concluded that their relationship was doomed to end when Paige went off to college, so the end has been in sight for quite some time. Also, Emily has way to many straight-girl-crush feelings for Ali that need to be resolved before she can have true love feelings for an actual gay lady.
As far as the Mrs D being A scenario goes, I think we can all agree that it’s ridiculous. The only reason the girls truly suspect it is because Ezra planted the idea. I’m now super confused about whether Ezra is A or just the worst human being on the planet.
I’m hoping that Ali is revealed as being A so that the girls finally give up on trying to rescue her and instead decide to hunt her down and murder her for good. I just hope they double check she’s not just holding her breath before they put her in the ground.
“so the end has been in sight for quite some time” :( still hurts..
“Just take a moment to examine the fashion in this shot. What is going on here?”
Seriously what the hell is happening with that thing around Spencer’s neck?
I swear if this ends up being a fashion choice similar to the girl in “The Green Ribbon”… I’ll totally accept it.