Pretty Little Liars 323: I’m Your Sock Puppet
Lizz is a consumer, lover and writer of all things pop culture and the Fashion/Style Editor at She is also full time medical student at Brown University in Providence, RI. You can find her on the twitter, the tumblr or even on the instagram.
Lizz has written 261 articles for us.
Re “PLEASE DON’T TELL ANYONE I’M ALMOST THIRTY AND STILL TRYING TO PLAY A NINTH-GRADER,” that would be true of almost all of the other actors playing teenagers on this show, but Sasha Pieterse, who plays Alison, only turned 17 last month!
Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit, that means she has another 15 years of playing a ninth grader still in her.
What?!?! How did I miss this. I guess she can play Ali forever then.
Yeah, I think only Troian is pushing 30. The other girls seem to be <25.
I hope “best metal healthcare” was intentional
Re: the most hardcore music healthcare ever.
Re-cap lesbian Caleb is probably my favorite character…ever.
Sometimes I’m not even sure anymore if he’s actually as lesbian as I think he is or if I’m just seeing him that way.
This was a convoluting episode, again, but I like the boldness of Spencer kidnapping Malcolm. And I cheered when Aria told Ezra that it’s over.
(p.s. Cro-Magnon refers to Anatomically Modern Humans, so, congrats, you said that Toby looks human)
I thought it sort of referred to Early Modern Humans. He’s not a neanderthal, just a good old fashioned caveman.
Ahh, that makes sense. Sorry for assuming you were going with the outdated insult of calling someone a Neanderthal.
I love whenever Pam is on. Nia Peeples is still one fine looking woman. The Fields really are the hottest family in Rosewood.
Pretty sure Shana is on the A-Team or A-team adjacent because of her role on the official “Pretty Dirty Secrets” webshow that ran before the Halloween episode. It stared Shana and she was constantly making sketch phone calls and sent text pics of each of the girls’ costumes to someone. I hope not, but it seems like that’s what’s going on.
Also pretty sure CeeCee is red coat and Wren is A-Team. I want to trust Lamb over the guy hitting on an underage girl.
You’re probably right regarding Shana and the A-Team, but I’m really hoping for leg hugging anyways.
Pretty sure the random dead guy wearing the Ali mask was actually Spencer’s private investigator – the one she hired to trail Toby, and who we haven’t seen for a few episodes now.
If Spencer is on the A team, it’s obviously not to betray her friends, but to gather information and bring the A team down from the inside. Mona is obviously way to smart to allow that to happen. I think you’re right that she’s not letting Spencer all the way in – she’s invited Spencer to join the A team as a way to divide and conquer the liars, and Spencer kidnapping Malcolm was just an initiation. Aria’s going to find out from Malcolm that it was Spencer who picked him up at karate, and that’s why the freakout about Spencer being on the A team. Spencer will eventually let the liars in on what she’s doing.
If you really want to wander freely around a hospital (or almost anywhere really), put on some cargo pants, grab a computer tower and some cables, and go on your way.
I work in IT, and I’ve almost never been asked what I’m doing anywhere. Everyone sees the cables, and assumes I am where I should be. (Which I am, because I’m not a criminal)
Boys II Men sing “I’ll Make Love to You.” K-Ci and JoJo sing “All My Life.” I am not sure why I know this, but it may or may not stem from the fact that both of them are on my iPod.
I think Spencer is Big A in some weird twist…I’m rewatching Season 1 and she acts so weird the night Allison disappears, and then in episode 3 she knows all about the trees and how many steps to the shed…
(I too love recap lesbian Caleb.)
By the end of the episode I was cheering for Caleb as my favorite (even over Emily) Lesbian on the show. Then I remembered Emily’s mad crush on Ali and the fact that Emily, despite her pretty lame tactics, always seems to be ready to do some investigating into Ali’s death. So, Emily still wins, but Hannah and Caleb are gayer than the majority of my current gay couple friends and I love it.
As for A and the whole plot, wherever it is leading. I’m going to bank on Ali’s twin being revealed. SHe’s not A though, she’s on a seperate anti-A team that Mona has been “helping,” with even though Mona doesn’t really want to. So I don’t think there will be an evil twin Ali, but a nice one OR Ali is still alive and her twin was the one that was killed.
Mellisa Hastings may have something to do with the nice A team, she’s been in too many easy to get the girls situations to be on the real A team I think, but then again she could be since she has pretty good reasons to dislike Ali, her sister, and anyone involved, especially Wren.
Spencer obvs won’t go totally bad though I really wish she would, I don’t know why, but I wish she would. IF it ended up that Spencer was indeed affected by mental issues and blocked out that she was the one that killed Ali, and had been doing all sorts of crazy A stuff, that would be fine with me.
I stopped watching this show in November, but sometimes still enjoy reading these. What does everyone think, should I tune back in and get myself caught up? :)
Yes I would definately tune in to watch it is totally worth it!
I vote yes but clearly I’m skewed!
I work in a hospital and it is actually surprisingly easy to get everywhere, including the morgue. I am pretty sure if you are wearing scrubs and look unassuming, you would have zero problem getting in.
Believe it or not, the girl who plays Alison is a teenager?