Also.Also.Also: Gay Campground in Florida Presents the Question Is It Time We All Finally Become Land Dykes
Queer separatism never looked so good. Also: Honoring disability activist Judy Heumann.
Queer separatism never looked so good. Also: Honoring disability activist Judy Heumann.
The central friendship on the series is between a gay guy and a lesbian, which I wish we saw more of on television!
There are so many good songs about drinking but none about seltzer, have you noticed that?
You have to evaluate if you can experience the friendship not as a consolation prize or a waystation for your ultimate destiny of romantic partnership with them but as a gift that is exactly what you want.
Every punk party — whether it was in Ft. Lauderdale or Lake Worth or North Miami — had the exact same drink options. Either you were drinking Mickey’s or you were doing shots of Jack Daniels.
Our fingers are ready! (To answer your questions!)
New Samantha Irby! New Leah Johnson! Get excited for these upcoming LGBTQ+ and feminist book releases, and support queer authors this spring.
If SWIFTGRON means anything to you, you’re gonna love this word search!
The following are the favorite films from all the out queer and trans directors who submitted lists to Sight & Sound — with some notes on what these lists reveal about the artists’ own work.
In the penultimate episode of The Last of Us, Ellie runs into a religious cult whose leader is full of ill intent.
Where once my sexuality flourished in the spaces of the unknown, it is now content to be still.
Cate Blanchett in Brittani Nichols’ lap, Javicia Leslie on that Batwoman twist, Reverend Jennifer Coolidge??, and more.
I have missed Ryan so so much and the range that Javicia is giving here is exactly why. It looks like we’ve got one more episode with her next week, and I cannot wait!
Do you remember the first time you stumbled upon a satisfaction you tried to make entirely your own?
Bubble Trouble is a new Autostraddle series about the nostalgia, effervescence, and never-ending appeal of carbonated beverages.
I don’t know why some people hate lazy people.
It’s the 1920s – 1950s and you’re a queer actor (or writer) — which of these letter-writing pool-owning trouser-wearing secret-keepers are you?
Purim is one of the queerest Jewish holidays. Let’s celebrate accordingly.
Bisexual Icon Ariana is reportedly now single following some of the messiest reality television drama of my LIFETIME.
With Tessa Thompson’s face and Michal B. Jordan’s face, the Creed franchise has always felt incredibly bisexual to me. This special guest just seals the deal.