LGBT Pride

Girl-on-Gallery: Autostraddle Pride Parade

Along with a hearty crew of gay bloggers spearheaded by Father Tony, marched with the Gay Bloggers & Digital Activists group in the 2009 New York City Pride Parade, swiftly balancing the gender divide with (almost) its entire intern army. Other lady-marchers were Grace of Grace the Spot and Brenda of Curly McDimple! Watch […]

The L Word TV Show Recaps

In Honor of NYC Pride, The L Word RECAP Returns with (15% of) Episode 211: “Loud & Proud”

If you forget the whole child-rape-flashback thing, the Papa Porter dying thing, the Helena-wasting-time-Tina-could-be-with-Bette thing, the paper-dolls/Baruch Atah LaLa Hoolehay Heeyhoooo thing, the Marc pantsing himself thing (when he really should just write “fuck me” on his chest) and the Jenny/Random Elder thing, Loud and Proud is one of the series’ best episodes. Let me rephrase this: if “The L Word” was “The Dana & Alice Show,” Loud and Proud would be one of THAT show’s best episodes.


Kate McKinnon: The Autostraddle Photoshoot

” I’m not sick of lesbian jokes, I think they’re all true, and I love them. I love that if I wanted to walk around and not shave my legs and have a bad attitude, wear a belt buckle the size of a burrito, I could. I could, and that would be okay because people expect that of me, and I like that people expect that of me.”


Autostraddle Raffle! — Winners Announced!

Hi squirrel friends! The winners are listed below under their respectable items. If your name has a ‘*’ next to it, please contact with your mailing address. Welcome to the First Ever Autostraddle Pride Raffle/FUN(d)RAISING extravaganza! Some of our favorite lez-friendly retailers and service providers are sponsoring our existence and you can reap the […]