Would You Give Heterosexuality A Try? It’s For Science.
He did it with a girl for science! A cross-dressing boy threatened with expulsion! The Daily Show on DADT! This funny list of thoughts we found! Bike-friendly cities! Being het is AWESOME!
He did it with a girl for science! A cross-dressing boy threatened with expulsion! The Daily Show on DADT! This funny list of thoughts we found! Bike-friendly cities! Being het is AWESOME!
Ellen Page is basically Lordess of Hipsters now with a new HBO comedy series about Williamsburg hipsters moving to L.A. Plus; Lady Gaga, Jane Lynch, Madonna, Heroes’ lesbian kiss, Tina Fey and Queen Latifah will never come out, we must make peace with this.
Skyler James grew up believing that joining the military “was the best thing you could do to make your parents and your country proud.” Now 21, James was denied the DADT discharge she expected and wants you to know the true story of her appeal to Canada for asylum.
Only four days left to make dramatic statements about Obama’s HRC speech on Friday! Stories of gay Iraqis escaping to New York to avoid getting beaten, tortured and killed at home. Anderson Cooper tries to get Elaine Donnelly to make a good point for DADT and stop talking over Dan Choi. And HAVILAND’s new column!
On this week’s Televisionary: Carlytron gives up on Heroes, questions Dollhouse & How I Met Your Mother, loves Gossip Girl, continues to go off on Grey’s Anatomy, and more! You know, the usual.
A straight male writer at Psychology Today has a theory about WHIP IT, but it’s not what you think … also, Ellen Page plays soccer in heels on Conan. Cat Cora & Jennifer Beals shine in interviews for gay websites, Lady Gaga’s upcoming single “Bad Romance” plays at Alexander McQueen’s Paris show. Plus, The Gossip and Tegan & Sara!
Lady Gaga’s best gig yet at the HRC Dinner with Barack Obama. She’ll also be marching in the National Equality March. Also; Shane & Papi faced off again on Three Rivers, and no one was watching — except us. Recap ensues. AND SUPER CUTE TEGAN & SARA STUFF! AND MORE! Best A&E daily fix ever, basically.
Monday was an awesome day on Autostraddle. Now it’s Tuesday and we have THE TOP TEN AUTOSTRADDLERS OF ALL TIME, plus other incoherent ramblings regarding Los Angeles.
This just in: Obama to deliver speech to room full of gay people. What are you gonna do without Conde Nast’s parenting, wedding, and gourmet cooking advice? Autostraddle can help. Also; Lady Gaga endorses the National Equality March and Illinois introduces gay marriage bill.
Lady Gaga didn’t “shock” on last night’s Saturday Night Live … except when, you know, SHE DID. Also; the high costs of being a same-sex couple, and the gay penguins are a best-seller!
This NSFW Sunday we look at what happens when we search engine optimize sex into strange places at weird times. Plus vadge-strengthening, a great Vice magazine interview with top queer porn stars, Angelina Joile’s top sex scenes and Radical Masculinity.
Carol Leifer, “Ellen Show” writer, brings her talent to a new lesbian sitcom for CBS (Viacom clearly loves the gays)! Also, Whip It! reviews & Drew Barrymore Retrospectives, and we reward you for your achievements in commentary.
This week’s gay song and dance show features Kristin Chenoweth as a former McKinley High student who is brought back by Will to shake things up, and boy does she ever! Also: everyone pukes and Rachel quits and joins Glee about 7 more times.
Thursday was a big day for gay marriage, as a Texas court ruled in favor of gay divorce and Nevada began issuing domestic partnerships. Haviland guest-blogs for NOW, DADT repeal is thrown out there, and it looks like the NFL might be getting more accepting.
This edition of YourSpace is stuffed to the gills with inspiring links and pictures! There’s even a hella fun weekend project that is sure to keep you busy and out of trouble for at least 2 hours. Let’s go!
Will you buy Glamour if it stops making you want to throw up breakfast and then cover up your undereye circles with something toxic but overpriced and glittery? Plus, Caster sparks LGBT issue debate in Jamacia, and frat boys cut out homphobia.
The New York Times Magazine tackles the roots, causes and fixes for people suffering from anxiety. Also; muppets in Palestine, sex columnists, and OurScene TV wants your coming out story.
Phaidra Knight “always wanted to play football as a little girl.” Now she’s one of the best women’s rugby players in the world. She shares her secrets in a special photoshoot and interview with photographer Robin Roemer.
GLAAD applauds Glee, viewers love Modern Family, and Rose Rollins & Mia Kirshner are gonna be in the same episode of CSI! Also, Ellen Page & Drew Barrymore just don’t cuddle in public like they used to and Emily Deschanel & Alyson Hannigan go to second base.
A sad ending to the heartbreaking case brought against a Miami Hospital from a lesbian mother who, along with her children, was denied visitation as her partner of 18 years died alone. Also, the entire cast of Hair is going to be at the National Equality March, are you? It’s not Loloapalooza though FYI, Cleve Jones says so.