Alex’s Team Pick
A collection/abundance of really cool “light drawings”. I would like to know how one does this so I can make draw with light too!
A collection/abundance of really cool “light drawings”. I would like to know how one does this so I can make draw with light too!
The New York Times Magazine’s feature on women who want to want more sex than they want! Also; sex workers rights, how to do good tribadism with your lesbian lover, queer porn flicks & websites, internet sex fads, Dirty Girls and the sexiest calendars of 2010.
The American Family Association is being such a stage mom to Jesus and was boycotting the Gap for not using the word “Christmas” — we’ll tell you why that boycott is now on hold. Also, it’s boom time for unpaid interns, is Glee anti-Christian?, Sarah Palin gets PUNK’D, JCrew is weird and Australian senator compares homosexuality to incest. Again. Sigh.
This week we got a lesbian love scene on Stargate Universe, out actress Haviland Stillwell guesting on Eastwick, a super-awkward episode of GLEE and hot girl Elizabeth Banks on “Modern Family.” Oh right; and so much more!
Stuffed from Thanksgiving dinner? Sit back, relax, pop open that top pants button, and indulge in some Autostraddle comments. It’s the internet equivalent of apple pie a la mode. Yum yum.
It’s a new installment of Behind the Scenes! In this episode, we meet one of our team’s most important members for the very first time at The Abbey in West Hollywood, and stick a big camera in her face! With lots of m*therf*cking, hooters, handshakes, haviland and more!
Lady Gaga performs on Ellen and talks about doing it for the fans who might feel alone or like freaks. Adam Lambert talks about “ugly duckling syndrome” and the NYTimes ponders community standards. Also, Lindsay Lohan had a great Thanksgiving!
Hey girls all over the world, how’s your Thanksgiving going? Did you come out as a lesbian or weirdo? Is anyone watching Glenn Beck? Do you live in Canada? Tell us your stories. Open thread open 24/7.
Lindsay Lohan will be home for Thanksgiving … and then she’ll be doing a Terry Richardson PURPLE Mag photoshoot with alleged sex scenes. Also; Candy Slice’s Lady Gaga/Beyonce parody, Fame Monster on VH1, Glee on hiatus, Adam Lambert on Letterman, CBS apologizes for Early Show kissing double standard, and we wonder why Chris Brown is booked for GMA and Adam was kicked off.
The third and final recap of Robin and Carlytron’s adventures in Buenos Aires!
poems about onion bagels
Thanksgiving brings you lesbians fisiting turkeys and by that we mean a family movie for family time, as well as the horror and the spectacle of young Christian Evangelical Rappers in bloom. Also; bad photoshopping blames economy, getting out of thanksgiving, an Academic History of Thanksgiving, Femme Invisibility and a map of your discontent!
Adam Lambert brings his Mom and his vocals to The Early Show. Complex magazine has ground its brains together and come up with 10 “eligible bachelorettes” for Rosie O’Donnell like Tila Tequila and Leisha Hailey, but forgets to fact-chek. Eric Stoltz wants you to watch “Anyone But Me”‘s second season starting December 15th! Also; Fergie dishes on bi past, and Lady Gaga’s nip-slip.
The fight for gay marriage in New Jersey is faltering. GLAAD issues their statement on the Glambert stuff: “It is disappointing that ‘Good Morning America’ did not give Adam Lambert the opportunity to tailor his performance to their audience.” And straight people wanna commitment ceremony each other too!
Robin Roemer shoots Adam Lambert as he stopped by MTV Studios yesterday. Also: we have his music video premiere for “For Your Entertainment”.
All-female Brooklyn trio and overnight sensations, Vivian Girls, live up to the hype as they bring their gloriously shambolic pop-noise and Riot Grrrl spirit to Australia. Contributing writer Isabelle has a lot of feelings about sexist critics as she reviews an energetic, rapid-fire set, complete with broken G strings and tales of a “stoned Koala bear”.
Good Morning America! Adam Lambert will not be performing his hot hot sex for you today because he is too controversial. #shameonyouabc! Here’s why this mistake isn’t embarrassing for Adam, but totally shameful for ABC.
Palin supporters in Ohio can’t explain Palin too good, and Comedy Central finds there are no Palin supporters in New York b/c of the liberal elite. American evangelical groups are spreading their anti-gay message to Africa, and it’s coming back around to affect the USA. Lady Gaga will be on Ellen this week. And one group in D.C. is fighting hypocrisy by outing priests.
Your chances to fly to Australia to meet Rose Rollins, Marlee Matlin and Laurel Holloman and Rachel Shelley have been DASHED by slow ticket sales! Also, hot party tonight in NYC Dj’ed by Carlytron, Lady Gaga does Leno and talks bisexuality for Fuse, and Women-Hating Movies.