Politics + Activism

DADT: Dan Choi Back on Active Duty, Lissa Young Talks to AS, Black Women Disproportionately Affected

It’s DADT News, and we’ve got good news and bad news. Dan Choi has been called back to active duty! Yes, really! Autostraddle catches up with DADT discharge Lissa Young for her reaction to last week’s hearing (“exhilarating and infuriating.”) Study shows black women disproportionately discharged under DADT (and the affects of all anti-gay laws hit the black community harder). Also; Iowans and New Jersey on gay marriage actions/reactions, Rhode Island’s gay marriage bill and more on Judge Walker.


Sci-Fi Oscar Noms, EA Sports’ Superbowl Prediction & Mass Effect 2’s Gay Hullabaloo

The virtual Saints and the real Saints win the Superbowl! The Oscars go wild for science-fiction for some reason! And we all continue to puzzle over the future/present/past of Lost. The show, and the characters. And like, the semi-abstract conceptions of time. Also; gay gamers, the facebook makeover, dinosaurs, a new iPad in the works? and excuses to buy more video games. And more.

Pop Culture Fix

Portia De Rossi’s ‘Advocate’ Cover Story: ‘I Feel Like My Life Can Stand for Something.’

Portia De Rossi is on the cover of The Advocate with a fantastic in-depth interview, discussing topics including her marriage, equal rights advocacy, career aspirations and her new willingness to speak openly about her private life. Also! St.Vincent, behind the scenes of Skins and Lily Loveless interview, Chloe trailer, lesbian Desperate Housewives, Rihanna music video shoot, Lady Gaga’s telephone video, Vanity Fair responds to the WOC issue (not well), Justin TImberlake loves gender stereotypes, 40 sexiest videos, Jersey Shore and so! much! more!

Pop Culture Fix

Superbowl Sunday with Lindsay Lohan, Jon Stewart, RuPaul, kd Lang, SNL’s Gay Show, Etc

It’s Sunday Funday! Are you ready for the second installment of Lindsay Lohan and Niecy Nash Being Best Friends? How about Ru Paul, Diva magazine, SNL’s gayest show ever (also funny!), kd Lang talks about being a vegan and chillaxing, Anne Hathaway, a new project from the people who gave you the 2009 Sweet Caribbean Cruise, and statements from both Tila Tequila and President Obama? Also, Bill O’Reilly is dumb and the tapes with John Stewart are great!


Riese’s Team Pick: Digital Nation on PBS

  I happened to catch the second half of Digital Nation on Frontline the other night and it was fascinating, so then I caught both halves online, it remained fascinating, and I would like to suggest you do the same: Is our 24/7 wired world causing us to lose as much as we’ve gained?: FRONTLINE […]

Politics + Activism

Keeping Gays Illegal: Florida’s Mulleted Lesbians & Top 10 Reasons DADT Rocks!

Top 10 Reasons Homosexuals Should Not Be Allowed in the Military (a world wide web roundup), how Florida used default scary lesbians to scare conservatives about gay adoption, Hot 100 Lists Dissected, Casey Johnson & Brittany Murphy’s cause of death reports revealed, the Guardian rips into Perez Hilton, GLBT suicide risk, Tyra’s multiple vagina show, Wanda Sykes and The Dollhouse social network.

Society + Culture

Laura’s Team Pick: Addictions and Musings

One-half tumblr, one-half diary, Isabella’s blog is good procrastination station if you’re looking to bask in Rihanna’s glowy glowy glow or for a reminder that even though school can be exasperating, it can be really funny if you just look at it the right way.

Pop Culture Fix

Lindsay Lohan Has Lots of Stuff, Isn’t a Hoarder, Is Cute & Funny with Niecy Nash

Part one of Lindsay Lohan on The Insider with Nicey Nash, the girl blamed for Robbie’s alcoholism on Intervention tells a different side of the story, Megan Mulally on “Funny or Die,” Rosie talks to the LA Times, Ellen starts American Idol next week. Daria is coming out on DVD. Lady Gaga does more adorable things than we can handle. Plus, an LA photographer is releasing a book or portraits of gay soldiers. Seriously what’s going on this week, our favorite people are busy.