
Lily’s Team Pick: Hulu Meets The Spice Girls

If you’re alive, then you probably own Spice World on VHS. Unfortunately computers have taken over our lives and VHS players have become virtually extinct. Luckily Hulu know’s that everyone is a nine year old girls at heart, which is why they are playing Spice World for free! Enjoy!


Emily’s Team Pick: Jonsi from Sigur Ros

Jonsi came to my town last night and I couldn’t go because I spent all my money on taxi cabs the previous night. Regardless, I can’t stop listening to his new album ‘Go’. Listen to the entire record on his website and his cover of MGMT’s “Kids”. If you’re a fan of Sigur Ros (if […]


Mrs. Danvers All-Girl Band Will Make 2010: The Autostraddle Interview

Remember the psychotic lesbian maid from the Alfred Hitchcock movie, Rebecca? No? Well, her name is Mrs. Danvers. Much like their namesake, Mrs. Danvers the band are queer, a little peculiar, and slightly unnerving, but in a really, really good way. Music writer Corey talks to the girls about their music, influences, Anamaniacs and their plan for domination in 2010.


We’re Ready to Talk About Christina Aguilera’s “Bisexual” Music Video Now

Time to play some catch-up! Soooo… Xtina and Gaga and gimp suits, oh my! What did you think of the video for “Not Myself Tonight?” We have a better music video with girls kissing in it anyhow. What about Obama’s bit at the White House Correspondents Dinner? Chris Colfer talking to Ellen about Lady Gaga!? Gaga amputation rumors are discussed! We bring you a new artist with portraits of trans people, and probably the best thing Paris Hilton has ever done.

NSFW Sunday

NSFW Sunday: Lust, Ambition, Power, Lesbian Sex Prevail

Does the Tribeca Film Festival debut “Boogie Woogie” really feature “the year’s first hot lesbian sex scene”? (Perhaps…) Erotica sales outpace the rest of the publishing agency, an interesting Oxford sex survey, lovers in the backseat, time travel to where the bois are, sex-positivity, porn industry people speak out against piracy, and more lesbian sexy sunday!

Pop Culture Fix

Leave Lindsay Lohan Alone

How the totally false Lindsay Lohan HIV rumor got started and why everyone needs to give that girl a f*cking break. Also; a writer goes undercover at Christian Gay Conversion camp, The Boondocks premieres, THE MARBLE FAUN from Grey Gardens gets his own documentary (and he’s gay!), and the redheaded soldier from the GaGa in Afghanistan video has two mommies!

Politics + Activism

Gay Activism Flowers for Earnest/Angry/Dancing Youths of America

All the young gays are celebrating in Seattle, uprising in NYC, dancing in Rutgers (and our strai army allies are dancing homosexily in Afghanistan!), taking back the night in WI, speaking against violence in CA, hosting Dan Choi at Harvard, and more! Also; Hawaii passes civil unions (the bill now goes to the governor), a lesbian stabs her ex, trans identity & faith & Laura Bush’s memoir on the 2004 debates around same-sex marriage.

Pop Culture Fix

Who’s Coming Out May 5th in People Mag? We Think We Know.

It’s been a week since we first weighed in on “Who’s coming out May 5th in People Magazine?” and now basically the entire internet has an opinion on Who Will Be America’s Next Top Gay or Lesbian Superstar. If you wanna win the coming out office pool, put your money where ours is — on a country music singer hitting the road with tears, lies and alibis.

Pop Culture Fix

Gay Newsweek Writer Says Gay Men Can’t Play Straight, Other Offensive Things

Newsweek’s out gay writer Ramin Setoodeh is at it again with another totally offensive article about gay people — this time it’s about how gay men can’t convincingly play straight but vice-versa works just fine. Also; Pam Grier has written her memoirs, Melissa Etheridge opens up about the breakup with Tammy Lynn Michaels, Chris Colfer talks about Kurt’s boyfriend and Portia does Ellen.

Book Features

Riese’s Team Pick: Emily Gould & Megan Daum

I’ve been reading everything Megan Daum‘s written since 1998 (when I first discovered her via New Yorker essay) & especially loved her collection My Misspent Youth. So imagine my delight to see that Curtis Sittenfeld (author of Prep another favorite book) interviewed Megan in New York Magazine along with Emily Gould, who’s new book And […]


Taylor’s Team Pick: Gamespot’s Guide For New Gamers

Gamespot, my go-to source for straightforward, unbiased and super in-depth gaming information offers a great beginner’s guide to the three major consoles: the Xbox 360, the PS3 and the Wii. It’s an amazing user-friendly guide all around, so if you’re thinking about dipping your toes into gaming, it’s really the perfect starting place.

Society + Culture

On The Upside, These Gay Kids Have Awesome Parents!

It’s not all doom & gloom. Ceara Sturgis’ tuxedo pic didn’t even make it into the yearbook, but her Mom is standing up for her! And she’s not the only Mom out there taking a stand. Also, Houston Pride will feature uniformed police officers, the Washington Blade returns, California struck down anti-gay law and um someonemurderedtheirdaughtersgirlfriend and a trans student was attacked in a college bathroom.