Society + Culture

Transpeople, Ewoks, Dolly Parton: It’s All The Same to Bill O’Reilly

Now that American Eagle staffers don’t have to choose “gender-specific” outfits, what’s to stop them from DRESSING LIKE EWOKS? Lawyers think George Rekers gay sex controversy could call his past expert witness testimony into question. Why aren’t we talking about the sex lives of the white male Supreme Court Justices? Plus, how parents deal with Glee, how to be a good beard, and racism in beauty pageants.


Microsoft’s Unsettling New Kin Ad a Pro-Kidnapping PSA?

The more I think about Microsoft’s newest Kin ad, the more sketched out I get: the video depicts a young woman, sponsored by Microsoft, heading out on a road trip to meet all of the sketchy weirdos she talks to online IN PERSON. And it’s fun, edgy and appealing, just like an Urban Outfitters catalog. So think about how creepy this vid is, then buy a bunch of great games that came out yesterday to feel better.

Movie News & Trailers

Riese’s Team Pick: Trek Nation

OMG YOU CAN NOW WATCH THE TRAILER FOR “TREK NATION,” THE DOCUMENTARY ABOUT GENE RODDENBERRY in which filmmaker Scott Colthrop follows Rod Roddenberry, the son of Star Fucking Trek creator Gene Roddenberry, as Scott “explores his father’s legacy.” Follow the movie’s trek towards getting funding at their website. Actually I “starred” this post in my […]

Pop Culture Fix

Lindsay Lohan’s New Girlfriend? (UPDATE: Not?) Shared Interests Include ‘Art,’ ‘Meaning of Life.’

Does Lindsay Lohan have a new girlfriend? 36-year-old photographer Indrani — a Princeton graduate, photographer and upcoming co-star of Bravo TV show “Exposure” — has reportedly been going on dates with LiLo, being a good influence oh and also discussing art and the meaning of life. This would put Lindsay Lohan on the short-list of bisexual Hollywood starlets who have publicly dated more than one woman.

Pop Culture Fix

Christina Aguilera: Girls Are Pretty, Crazy, Fun, But Nothing Compares to Penis

Christina Aguilera is on the cover of OUT Magazine, assuring the gay men who read it that just like them, she likes dick but thinks girls are pretty (but crazy!!! omg! so cray crayyy). Also, Law & Order may be donzo, Vice does a power couples pictorial (EILEEN MYLES!!!!), Glee gets a new time slot, listen to GLEE doing Bad Romance (it’s pretty freakin’ awesome), Bianca Montgomery gets a facelift and Bitch explains why some stuff just isn’t funny.

NSFW Sunday

May is Masturbation Month! Celebrate NSFW Lesbian Sexy Sunday Style!

May is Masturbation month! Whether you’re participating in international official Masturbation-a-Thons or not, you’ll still enjoy heaps of tips and other masturbatory related links, advice, info and britney spears videos. Also; anatomy of a Desert Hearts Love Scene, feverish photography, why porn matters, the joys of objectification, Tranywood Pictures, bad sex ed tapes, hawt phototography, bad sex songs and more!

Society + Culture

Lesbian Forced to Pay Back $80K ROTC Scholarship. But Shouldn’t Pride be Priceless?

Sara Isaacson came to school on her ROTC scholarship before she realized she was a lesbian. But coming out has cost her $80,000 — ROTC wants her money back. In 2002, the same thing happened to a girl that I once knew — who I learned today is still fighting against DADT in unexpected ways. A look at how much things have changed, and how much they have stayed the same. Also, do your hobbies make you gay, a good day to love gay men, and meet Chris Pureka!


It’s Time For HEY! Did You See That Comment! Friday

It’s you who make this all worth while. Your comments are like shiny diamonds, which everyone knows are even better than dollars. Dollars can only be used to buy boring things like insurance. If they just legalized gay marriage already, we wouldn’t have to worry about insurance, you all could just seduce pretty girls who have secure jobs and benefits with your side-splittingly witty comments.


Let Us Now Praise Effeminate Men

Alan Cumming’s latest blog post sums up the week perfectly, and addresses perhaps Newsweekgate’s most underasked question: “What is wrong with being effeminate, anyway?” It’s Friday, y’all. Let us praise ye wise men who know “queeny” isn’t even a word, give you some wisdom and share some of our favorite videos; Kurt’s Turn in Glee, Adam Lambert goes crazy, Alan Cumming emcees, Rickie finds World Happiness and Peter Paige finds Emmet’s truth.

Politics + Activism

Marriage Equality: Not Coming To a State Near You?

Jessica our Real-Live Lesbian Lawyer/Legal Eagle, is back with more facts about things we don’t understand! If marriage equality isn’t coming to our states any time soon, what can we do NOW to protect the rights of same-sex couples in the meantime? Project 515 has answers, and its a blueprint you could bring to your own community much sooner than you think.

Politics + Activism

Catholic School Rejects Son of Lesbian Moms, Clearly We’re Too Cool For School Y’all

A Massachusetts Catholic School has withdrawn it’s acceptance of a third grade boy because he has lesbian moms, and now the secretary for education and superintendent of Catholic schools is offering to help the parents find a different school – but do we want to be in clubs that won’t have us as members? Even more reactions to Seetodeh including one from Dustin Lance Black and video of Newsweek article author Ramin Setoodeh, Dan Savage and Amanda Bearse on The Joy Behar Show. Also; female warrior tribes & gays in video games.

Pop Culture Fix

Rose Rollins’ New Show “Chase” Plus Full L Word Cast Updates

Rose Rollins (aka The L Word’s soldier girl Tasha) will be back on TV in new NBC action show, Chase, and we’ve got updates on new projects for Kate Moennig, Laurel Holloman and the rest of the L Word cast! Alice Pieszecki as Brian Kinney’s wife and Pam Grier as Queen Latifah’s Mom? Holler! Also; video of Pink & Linda Perry’s EWW performance, Johnny Weir to judge Miss USA pageant, Jane Lynch does PETA ad, Sarah Silverman Program canceled, Betty White on Glee? and Lady Gaga calls Ellen.