Top Ten People Who Can Do No Wrong, Like Jane Lynch
The definitive list of those who can do no wrong: Jane Lynch, Neil Patrick Harris, Rachel Maddow, and more. You’re not on the list, but we still like you a lot.
The definitive list of those who can do no wrong: Jane Lynch, Neil Patrick Harris, Rachel Maddow, and more. You’re not on the list, but we still like you a lot.
An article about one woman’s experience of the aftermath of rape sheds light on a problem on college campuses nationwide. Plus, does prom even matter, Ellen maybe ruined AI, people who shop at Whole Foods are thin because they have money, and watch the trailer for Kiana Firouz’s controversial movie.
This week marks the 25th anniversary of Katrina and the Waves’ classic hit, “Walking On Sunshine.” Also, a new video from Thao Nguyen directed by Dianna Agron (Quinn from Glee), sneak previews of albums from Ratatat and Stone Temple Pilots, a new track from The Roots, and a behind-the-scenes look at the music from LOST.
The White House has given its support to an official compromise on the repeal of DADT. It will happen this year – sort of! Get the rundown here. Constance’s school district denies misleading her to the wrong prom, some ‘encouraging statistics’, and Harvey Milk Day was super fun!
Kristen Stewart gets sexy behind-the-scenes for a FLAUNT shoot, Glee gets renewed, behind the scenes of Glee’s Lady Gaga episode, Julie Goldman live in your box, Tila Tequila is addicted to a pill of some kind, Chely Wright & Sean Hayes book award show gigs, Lindsay Lohan interviewed, and new videos from The Real L Word!
In which we ask: How does your race and/or sexuality impact your feminist identity? Do you ever feel you have to “pick one”?
Autostraddle’s LOST Liveblog! Shit’s gonna go DOWN, so get your Dharma-issued beer at the ready. Because we have a drinking game for ya, and well, cause it’s gonna be intense! And you might want to put towels under your doors like you did when you got high in college, because you know the smoke monster’s gonna be making a cameo. Join us! Be warned, this is basically one huge spoiler.
In the best article ever about Lady Gaga, she discusses feminism, bisexuality, the importance of gay culture, her health, and goes to a sex club with the reporter. GO Magazine has their first non-presidential dude on the cover, and he’s wearing gold hotpants! Plus, Australia is full of the gays, new pics of Skins’ Effy, and Expedia has a gay travel store.
We met the French ladies behind Wet for Her, a new sex toy line by and for lesbians and let me tell you it was just wild I swear it. Also, eden’s fantasys exposed, miranda kerr topless, coregasm & more!
Here’s a few first impressions on Rockstar Games’ Western opus, Red Dead Redemption. Bucking broncos? Check. Six shooters? Check. Saloon shootouts? Check. So far, so good!
The sun is up, the sky is blue, it’s beautiful and so are you, dear readers. And as per usual, you are fucking hi-larious.
What happens if Elena Kagan is confirmed and joins the Supreme Court? Is she a friend or a foe in disguise as a friend with a lesbian haircut? Our Legal Eagle Jessica attempts to decipher Kagan’s mysterious record to tell you what her confirmation could mean for gay rights and other key issues.
Lady Gaga and a special lady are on a boat, making out! We have mixed feelings which we share. Another tabloid says even more offensive things about Shiloh’s kickass tomboy wardrobe! Behind the scenes with Lindsay Lohan and Indrani, Grey’s Anatomy ends with a lesbian makeout bang, Law & Order marathon, Ask Ro & Osbornes lead LA Pride.
I found this artist tonight Christina Tsevis, and at first her pictures look like a fancy kid’s cartoon from an educational video or something, but actually, they’re way more. I think I found the website, dripbook, through someone’s tumblr, I can’t remember. Now I am tumbling the hell out of them. Why not also here.
Constance McMillen, the lesbian who wanted to bring her girlfriend to prom, has switched schools to avoid bullying. Harvey Milk Day won’t be celebrated by the teenagers who need it most because of homophobic Prop-8-supporting school administrators! Awesome! Also, gay unions legalized in Portugal, more feelings on Elena Kagan, Montgomery College will have an African-American lesbian president, Christian charities are maybe kind of allowed to legally discrimate sort of, and Jezebel wants to talk to you about women’s colleges.
It’s hard out there for a sexually active lesbo — how do you get the safe sex info you need when you’re afraid of the gyno and lesbians are ignored in sex ed? WELL WE’VE GOT A DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE. Also; a cartoonist. Really you have to see the cartoons.
Courtney Love reveals an affair she had with Kate Moss in the 90s, so we interview @CLTranslated for insight on this sensational piece of world-changing information as well as some notations on the 90s milan sex parties we missed. Also; Adam Lambert on Ellen, Jane Lynch talks about being gay, gay actors learning to “talk straight” and Alejandro stills.
Who doesn’t love to kick ass? No one, that’s who! And what better way to do it than as a little green-clad elf? Your little green-clad elf costume/assault charges notwithstanding, here’s our guide to doing just that. Yes, it’s time for Kim’s fave Legend of Zelda boss fights!
It’s finally happening: Ellen Page is going to play a real live lesbian on the big screen. We take a deeper look at the story behind her lesbian debut in Freeheld and analyze her former roles where she wasn’t gay, but still warmed our gay hearts.
Glennisha chats to Hip Hop artist and frequent Pride performer Rasheeda about her recent photo shoot for the “NO H8 campaign” and her love and support of the LGBT community.