Movie Reviews

Eat Pray Love Won’t Teach You How to Be Alone (or, “First Try to See Something, Anything Else”)

We all come across approximately infinite poorly written, ill-researched, patriarchal and offensive things on the internet each day; most of the time, we can let them slide with a shake of the head. Sometimes, though, you can’t. And that’s when you stop being polite and start getting real about youtube, (specifically Tanya Davis’s “How To Be Alone,”) Eat Pray Love, and dbags.

Society + Culture

Does Gay Marriage Make Gays Straight?

It’s three days until you can get legally married in California, so you had better get all your feelings about the bourgeois upper-middle class heteronormative paradigm out now, before they have to come out in couples therapy later on. While you’re here you can check out an infographic on Lady Gaga, find out which person you have possibly heard of came out this week, mourn the passing of Portland’s only lesbian bar, and celebrate BABIES with NEIL PATRICK HARRIS.

Politics + Activism

In Other Gay News: DADT Discharge Who Didn’t Tell, Why H8ers are Surprised by Verdict

Rachel Maddow is getting tired of waiting for this Don’t Ask Don’t Tell repeal, and she wants President Obama to know it. Also, Target’s still not back in gays’ good graces, the future of Prop 8 and musings on the reasons why the h8ers hated the trial so much, as well as an alert on the latest crazed commie pinko homosexual Obama appointee who will bring the end times upon us.