Society + Culture

Lesbian Prom Panic: Classmates Blame Constance for Cancellation

Lesbian senior Constance returns to school, where her classmates are openly hostile and blame her for ‘ruining’ their senior year of high school after the school board cancelled prom rather than let her bring a girl. Is there hope? Well, in New Orleans, someone else is offering to bring the kids to the city for prom (no, not Ellen…yet!)! Also: Johnny Weir isn’t “family-friendly” enough for Stars on Ice, Texas evangelicals invited to plan school curriculum, Chaz Bono, pee-cones, Constance on CBS News & more!

Movie Lists

10 Badass Girl Team Movies

New Runaways clips and Autostraddle counts down ten of our favorite movies where badass girls get together and make shit happen with other girls; shit like the Georgia Peaches and witchcraft! Also; Lady Gaga’s video & 3D plans, the dead gay syndrome, American Idol, Claire Danes, Girltrash and girls kissing on 90210!

Politics + Activism

Gay Equality Will Require More Imagination, Less Talk of Buttsex

A new book explains how “politics of disgust” have drowned out the “politics of humanity” necessary to achieve equal rights [sidenote: similar imagination and empathy-based strategies apply to challenging racism as well]. Also, gay Asians face racism within the community, International Women’s Day, watching “The Little Mermaid” while trans, Corey Haim’s death, Jon Stewart & Steven Colbert FTW last night and gay TV-makers will lose their tax breaks.

Pop Culture Fix

Costume Party: Nicole Pacent’s Lesbian Photoshoot, Glambert’s Gay Glam Pride & Lez Werewolves

L Magazine’s gender-bending photoshoot features Nicole Pacent of Anyone But Me, sidenote new ep of Anyone But Me! Adam Lambert calls the shots and the shots are “theatrical, out there” and “proud to be gay.” Also; Lady Gaga in 3D, lesbian werewolf movie, Chloe Sevigny’s Big Gay Interview, Anderson Cooper’s boyfriend IRL, The Princess and the Frog goes gender-neutral, Jason Mraz/Elton John, Sean Hayes/Kristin Chenoweth and more!

Politics + Activism

Virginia AG Favors Rescinding Gay Protections, College Students Raise Hell

New Virginia AG doesn’t waste any time in office trying to make gays really pissed at him, but at Liberty University students are lovin’ the Creationism 101 discussion. The Denver Archdiocese doesn’t want kids of the gays in their schools, but there are some Catholics who are down with equality. Westboro Baptist Church is going to the Supreme Court. Plus, kerfluffle in Virginia, some tips for the census, and another blow to DADT.