Courtney Trouble Wants to Turn You On: The Autostraddle Interview
Where the hell had Courtney Trouble been all my life?
Where the hell had Courtney Trouble been all my life?
suck it, john mccain
“My second husband committed suicide, and I did suicide jokes. You laugh to get through it. I started thinking about jokes while I was walking uptown on 9/11.”
“My breakdown was a result of a cumulative array of stressors but there is no doubt that the composite betrayals felt on Thursday, by elected leaders and gay organizations as well as many who have exploited my name for their marketing purposes have added to the result. I am certain my experience is not an isolated incident within the gay veteran community.”
It’s time for year-end lists galore! Jess G. shares some of her favorite albums of 2010. What were yours?
Dad: Let’s light the candles.
Me: Let’s light your face.
It’s 2010, and Portia de Rossi just changed her last name to DeGeneres. How is bullying of gay kids in school really still a life-threatening problem? Finally, an actual expert gives you some answers.
Basically this one time I said that John Travolta was gay and SOMEBODY was like “No he isn’t,” and I was like YES HE IS and now Carrie Fisher has said that he is so it’s true now which means I win. Is this tacky. Should we not talk about John Travolta being gay.
Want to drink alcohol, have photographs taken of you in flattering lighting, and rub elbows/knees/heads/shoulders with Calendar Girls and other really really really super-fun lesbians and lesbian-appreciators? PARTY WITH US DECEMBER 17TH FOR THE 2011 CALENDAR LAUNCH PARTY WITH PYT PRODUCTIONS OMG
Good news, being trans is cool and hip now and not at all related to outrageously high rates of violence and widespread oppression and marginalization!
Look at the cute British lesbian couples and their children! Also, do you have two moms or two dads? We care. More inside.
Jess talks to Whitney about the NY/LA divide, her thoughts on our Real L Word recaps and parody video, growing up as a different and androgynous child, her life changing experiences in Hawaii and Thailand and the very first time she was compared to Shane.
We haven’t completely given up hope on a DADT repeal this year, and if there’s any grace in the world we’ll be rewarded for that with the new bill being pushed through Congress before the end of the year.
It’s Sunday. Do you know where your lesbian sex machine is. That’s a trick question. Best Lesbian Sex Scenes according to someone other than us, “Best Friends” get close, Taylor Momesen suggests that you masturbate, and you can make a map. A special map.
we heart Nikki and Jill
Ceara Sturgis wore a bikini once, so why can’t she always wear a bikini/drape? Like hello for the yearbook. I don’t even understand how this is a viable defense so I had to ask our Legal Beagle.
The Czech Republic uses a “sexual arousal” test on gay men seeking asylum. And they aren’t the first ones. Time to get depressed about the state of the world/ history.
Design director Alex and Miss Calendar Girl April Sarah Croce went to “25 Years of GLAAD” and interviewed out lesbian Amber Heard! Also Chaz Bono and Jonathan Murray, Executive Producer of The Real World/Road Rules/Project Runway.
Room in Rome looked really good in theory — two naked girls having sex for an entire movie — but in practice, it was totally weird. TOTALLY WEIRD.
There’s a party in my bedroom all night long.