Autostraddle Calendar Girls 2012: Ashley and Kelli are January & February’s Girls
We’re getting fancy this year with a kick-ass behind-the-scenes video, some behind-the-scenes photos and some preview shots of January and February’s girls.
We’re getting fancy this year with a kick-ass behind-the-scenes video, some behind-the-scenes photos and some preview shots of January and February’s girls.
I plan on spreading chocolate sauce all over my body and eating strawberries off my knees this Valentines Day. You?
In the fourth quarter, a kicker will make downs, passes, field goals and other scoring situations and I will eat a nacho and drink a beer, and at some point GLEE will be on. Right?
This ain’t your mama’s high school production of Oklahoma! Camp Wanatachi is a new musical that’s taking names and kissing girls in the name of Jesus H. Christ.
Because getting-shit-doneliness is next to Godliness.
In which sends our managing editor to Whistler Winter Gay Pride in Canada, where maybe she will learn how to ski.
We have already told you this week what kind of legwarmers to wear and what it means to put bacon on a cat. We cannot also tell you whether the girl at the checkout desk at the library is a lesbian. Don’t give up hope, though; maybe someone else can!
“’s the story of a system that is so indifferent to violence against people that are queer, people who are poor or of color or trans or female or mentally ill or physically disabled, that it’s basically perpetrating it.”
“I’m not here to cheer you up, if you want “happy” music turn on the radio. You probably won’t find me there… but most music I hear on the radio doesn’t make me feel happy.”
We were stuck out in your car.
Valentines Day is lame, but these cute (AND GAY!) cards from Susanne Fox at FoxDesignBrooklyn (via Etsy) save the day.
What happens when homosexuals and conservatives come together? Something different every time, apparently! Stories from Maryland’s gay marriage debate, the Conservative Political Action Conference, the National Prayer Breakfast and more.
Hey! I waited a month to tell you this, but Happy New Year! I want to tell you something really important about style.
Why would a high school administration rather take away the National Honor Society and the Zombie Appreciation Club than let their kids have a Gay Straight Alliance?
You think I just roll out of bed looking this mediocre? No. This takes WORK.
Oh look, Saturday Night Live managed to do something both offensive and not funny!
Who wants to tell the truth about gay bullying? Who wants to get their head shoved into a swimming pool? Are eyes the windows to your soul, or are they just things you look out of while scary music plays?
On the upside, Zach Wahls gave a kickass speech about his gay family and you need to see it right now.
True Life: I May Lose A Limb To Frostbite And/Or Shoveling Accident