Happy Presidents Day! Here’s the Women Who Did All The Work.
The Top Ten bestest first ladies of all time, including the semi-lezzer and a Michelle Obama appreciation collage.
The Top Ten bestest first ladies of all time, including the semi-lezzer and a Michelle Obama appreciation collage.
Don’t be fancy just get dancey.
“Why, yes, my new belt is fabulous! You should feel it whipping across your back.”
Here’s to hoping we never reach a day when we can’t headline a post with Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson. In other news, this is probably one of the best Sunday Fundays of all time.
“Her man throws her kids out of the f-cking window. Shouldn’t that get a chick an OSCAR NOM???? “
The bill will never pass the Senate, but the message to women is hard to mistake: your government doesn’t care about you or your right to reproductive health services.
“But for you to stand on this floor and to suggest, as you have, that somehow this is a procedure that is either welcomed or done cavalierly or done without any thought is preposterous.”
Plus-sized clothing model Pippa J wants to showcase “wealth of beautiful imagery, videos and other marketing ephemera created showing models over a size 10.” Also, our own list of fat-positive fashion tumblrs AND a sexy video! Happy Friday!
When I hear the words “Civil Union” or “Domestic Partnership,” I think “inequality” and “separate but equal.”
So many awards, so little time.
Which gives you less social anxiety?
We’d recommend you honeymoon in Honolulu and not Jackson Hole, because if you go to Jackson Hole you might magically lose all of your rights as a homo if this bill passes and we hope it doesn’t!
In which we discuss our haircut, how it affects our daily lives, and the benefits of rooftop hairstylists. ALSO HELLO I HAVE A PONYTAIL.
i know
The California Supreme Court has not made a ruling on the issue of standing in the Prop 8 appeal, but they have announced that they’re going to.
“So let’s say you are a non-trans person and you are with someone who is out about being trans and is knowingly open to questions. You have some things you want to ask. Here are some guidelines to follow.”
The only thing that would’ve made it more lesbiany is if there had been a lesbian in it, or if Brittany and Santana had made out.
Watch Watson the supercomputer face off against puny humans on Jeopardy!