DeAnne Smith Waxes On
“Also, you’re welcome. Because let’s be honest, that was a drunken and flexible decade.”
“Also, you’re welcome. Because let’s be honest, that was a drunken and flexible decade.”
“Admittedly, as a 21-year-old middle-class queer Asian woman, I probably do not share that many experiences with Saul Williams, except for maybe being from New York and having a profound appreciation for women’s bodies.”
Jessie J confirms her bisexuality, releases a new album, gives a concert in a tore-up Mickey shirt, and goes on the Graham Norton Show with Charlie Salinger!
Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way” Music Video Premieres on Vevo!
“Huckabee has argued that Obama’s approach to the Defense of Marriage Act is just “wrong” for many ungrounded reasons which he would be happy to share with you at length.”
“hey now tall girl
aren’t you bored
all by yourself in your messy room”
Generation L promises to be “a sensational new reality series that goes behind closed doors and into the lives and bedrooms of the new generation of gay women.” Neat, huh.
(from Intern Lily & w/a 12-year-old boy who lives with Laneia) – “Silverstein writes what children see. He reminds us all of what it is like to view the world in its purest form. A world without stereotypes, biases, and social norms.”
Let us all gather around the proverbial cyber-fire to discuss this monumental evening in film AS IT HAPPENS.
“I go to bed like I go to Karate”
Are you watching the Oscars? I don’t even know what they are. But this week a dolphin saved a dog from drowning???
If we ran The Oscars, there’d be a lot more documentaries, Harry Potter, Runaways and ladies…
Your options for being married and/or civilly united have increased significantly this week! Here’s the rundown on Maryland and Hawaii, and what it means for you.
It was the last line of the poem that was the most striking. ‘The love of form is a love of endings.’
The Jester takes down WBC’s website, Anonymous takes down WBC”s website during an on-air interview with Shirley Phelps — who are the real “trolls” here? Also, remember when Anonymous took down Scientology? That was cool.
“e.e cummings is also really hard to read aloud because of his weird use of syntax. He’s kind of like Yoda but more sexual.”
Jeremy Bernard has been a key fundraiser and gay agenda pusher for Obama since 2007, now he’s in charge of ALL THE PARTIES! Also, Obama’s hired a ton of gays, right?
When you have one of those days when you look at the container of paper clips on your desk and think “Is this all that I am now?”, it’s time to take action.
Chin’s writing covers a lot of topics- so I’m going to share excerpts of two very different pieces with you. Because I love you.