Riese’s Team Pick: The Wire
“There are no good guys and bad guys, merely men and women who work on opposites sides of the socially acceptable.” Also, gay people!
“There are no good guys and bad guys, merely men and women who work on opposites sides of the socially acceptable.” Also, gay people!
“You must nurture the kiss. Turn out the lights. Notice how it illuminates the room. Hold it to your chest and wonder if the sand inside hourglasses comes from a special beach.”
Meet Amber Elizabeth, because you’re gonna see her real soon at the Dinah Shore Weekend: “At first, when [my Mom] heard about me playing football in underwear she was a little skeptical, so we just agreed to disagree.”
New Canadian citizenship guidelines were released Monday and the total length of the new gay/lesbian section is about as long as this sentence. Period.
In today’s news, we find that the popular myth of college as a “hive of same-sex experimentation” could be wrong. In related news, some people are very confused by this and I have ~156 feelings about this whole THANG.
Lesbians on the teevee, pure poetry week forever.
“Santana is a lesbian. She might not be ready to come out yet, but she is.”
It turns out everyone has feelings, not just you!
Just when you thought Glee couldn’t get any gayer…
It is officially time to discuss basketball. FINALLY.
“I like his poetry because it’s kind of all over the place without being noisy about it.”
Kate Moennig attends the premiere of The Lincoln Lawyer, Uh Huh Her releases “Black & Blue” EP and east coast tour dates, Jennifer Beals on Regis & Kelly, Glee’s Naya Rivera on “Brittana” and all things lesbian.
“But you loved it, because it was the one material that could be a shirt, sheets, pajamas or a hand-sewn menstrual pad.”
Probably if you had to make a list of things you wanted your tax dollars going to, abstinence-until-marriage sex education would not be one of them. Shockingly, there are some elected officials who feel the same way.
Did you know that Rilke’s Mom initially raised him as a girl? True story.
In which we meet ONE MORE LESBIAN and look for the key. The key to what? You’ll see.
Julie Goldman is doing stand-up in Los Angeles Wednesday night and you should go.
It’s Alex’s birthday and we’re having cake!! But you have to make your own cake.
The Becoming Visible Kickstarter page is running for another 18 days. That means you hardly have time to pledge away as much as possible!
A common practice in South Africa, corrective rape is an act of violence where lesbians are raped in order to “fix” them… as charming as that sounds, it is time to wave goodbye to that policy, for real this time.