Deportation Adjournment Good News For Lesbian Couple, Bad News For DOMA
If you were wondering what Obama’s decision to stop defending DOMA in court actually means, it’s this.
If you were wondering what Obama’s decision to stop defending DOMA in court actually means, it’s this.
Uh so the Obama Administration would like everyone in the world to fight discrimination against gay people. Also he’s “creating a government position to monitor gay rights in the Western Hemisphere. So, there’s that.
News, entertainment, opinion and girl-on-girl culture Want Direct Access to the Lesbian Market? You’re in the Right Place. Autostraddle is the web’s leading independently-owned lesbian website serving over 380,000 unique monthly visitors and earning over 2 million total page views a month. Unveiled in the spring of 2009, Autostraddle is now rapidly staking its claim as a […]
Maryland is turning out to be a bad place to try to get married or to be at risk for homelessness – which, surprise, many trans people are!
Were you using the Internet for something useful today? Not anymore!
This seems like an opportune moment to throw in the towel, but then how would NOM get the 2 million dollars they allegedly need to support this dying cause?
“I don’t know if I could change the world, yet, because I don’t know that much about it.”
Once upon a time I hated Sylvia Plath. Now I don’t! How did this happen? The answers lie inside this post…
What really counts about the iPad 2 isn’t the iPad 2 at all.
“For the first time in my life gay [people] are coming up to me on the street and hitting me up on the internet. Yeah, don’t really need that in my life guy.”
You really need to know about Dorothy Porter. She was an Australian poet, an out lesbian, and basically awesome.
The “It Gets Better” campaign is becoming a book. Guess who’s in it? Okay, it’s Autostraddle’s own Gabrielle Rivera!
More basketball talk on Autostraddle! Round two of the NCAA Championship starts today!
When vacationing in the desert with 14,000 lesbians, you’re going to need wisps.
“I remember when I was growing up, the rule was, ‘Don’t call anyone after 10 p.m.’ Now the rule is, ‘Don’t call anyone. Ever.’ ” -Jonathan Adler
Check out this short documentary about an all-queer community on a 200-acre farm in Tennessee, where a bunch of awesome people have come together to have fun and support each other.
People that you care about won awards for things! It’s Queen Latifah’s birthday and also the birthday of 17 Great Dane puppies, like actually for real! And there was a lady on the cover of WIRED Magazine, and also baby elephants, and also straight America is coming around to marriage equality, and hey have we told you yet today that WE LOVE YOU.
Were you slightly fearful that 2011 would be filled with vapid pop music created by soulless machines? Me too! I don’t think we have to worry though.
Languish in the glory of your sexy geekdom. Includes Harry Potter related photography.
Here we are in limbo with DOMA, and it’s kinda confusing.