Sarah’s Team Pick: Lady Journos Fight the NYT’s Sexism With Fire
Internet lady journo Ann Friedman makes fun of the NYT’s blatant sexism, is funny. We love her.
Internet lady journo Ann Friedman makes fun of the NYT’s blatant sexism, is funny. We love her.
I had no idea it was possible to make it all the way to Los Angeles from San Francisco in only 14 hours!
Semi-finals are coming up. LET’S TALK IT OUT.
Did you wake up today completely f*cking at a loss as to what the status of marriage equality is in yours or neighboring states? Chances are something in this post will help.
Nothing says “zzzzz” quite like a Powerpoint. After a 10 year hiatus from Microsoft’s most boring software, I’m suddenly required to make at least presentations 3 a semester and I’m just about ready to kill myself. Yesterday, one of my group members brought me tidings of great joy: there’s something else out there! Prezi is […]
Are you a gay student who’s sick and tired of having the sites that are meant to help you blocked? The ACLU would like to help with that!
“The original problem wasn’t that the Times chose to report this fact, but that it failed to balance the story with appropriate concern for the girl.”
In which five of us talk about our favorite poet ever. “Those of us who think we know / the same secrets / are silent together most of the time.”
The new release allows people to engage in a wide variety of romantic options – whether your avatar is male or female, whether you’re gay or straight. Let’s call it “Equal Opportunity Romance.” Sounds nicer than “the continuing battle for gay rights,” AMIRIGHT?!
“I kinda only care about lesbian poets.”
Your official Autostraddle guide to all things Dinah Shore 2011.
We’re going to read Bastard Out Of Carolina and we want you to read it with us!
Did you know that Gertrude Stein and Mina Loy were friends? Do you even know who Mina Loy is? I didn’t until about ~5 days ago.
Today ENDA will be reintroduced to the House of Representatives and also fail in the House of Representatives.
“To ask’s 33 million unique monthly visitors to switch to a cash-for-manufactured-goods-based model from the standard everything-online-should-be-free-for-reasons-nobody-can-really-explain-based model is pretty fearless.”
Mike Huckabee REALLY doesn’t want you to get married, and right now he’s the most likely Republican Presidential candidate. Awesome.
It’s the biggest class action lawsuit of all time! It’s about gender discrimination! I read all 115 declarations!
For the fourth time in seven years, Canada is going to have a federal election. This one is slated for May 2, mark it on your calendars, Canadians!
Mary Oliver writes poetry about nature. Both kinds of nature.
Between Canada working towards welcoming more gay refugees and America working towards deporting fewer of them, we look forward to an unprecedented number of gay people in the western hemisphere. Also: some other stuff about lesbians on the internet!