Mini Crossword for the Straddleverse
Your first Autostraddle Mini Crossword!
Your first Autostraddle Mini Crossword!
Yes, you heard me correctly.
Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda reunite Grace and Frankie, Girls5Eva is coming back!, queer goths, asexual characters, and more!
Preparing a meal does not have to be an elaborate situation.
Are the lights on?
Then I feel something wet…but not in a place where I’m supposed to feel something wet. Also, it’s kind of rough.
Reese’s Pieces are better than plain M&Ms. You can fight me, but don’t bother because I will win.
Before I tell you about all the things that were done right with Horror Is So Gay, let me tell you about the things I did wrong.
I begin to realize my relationship is over when my boyfriend starts cleaning his gun in our apartment.
Who wouldn’t love to see the AS senior staff sit in a bathtub of cold legumes, just for the sheer hell of it?
If they couldn’t appreciate porn as art, I couldn’t trust they’d see a slasher set in the world of its production as anything but a cheap thrill.
Being 30 meant I was free. In my child mind, it was the ultimate age of adulthood. It meant that no one could hurt me anymore.
And a hang with the senior team on Friday!
Hope you like gossip and queer history, because this puzzle is legendary!
“Season Three of Love is Blind is, somehow, remarkably heterosexual, despite its premise retaining deep roots in lesbian cultural practices.”
“Sharing my stories with that audience never felt right — I always felt like I was explaining, never that I was just telling my truth.”
“It’s not full glam but it’s perfect for sitting, typing, and of course — stopping to take a few hot pics along the way.”
When you move from the south to the north, you learn a lot about the changing of the seasons.
Plus updates on 9-1-1, The Rookie: Feds, Queen Sugar, All American, Station 19 and Survivor!
This week’s episode had me screeching and gasping like a sexy baby who’s never seen a TV show in her entire life.