Autostraddle Calendar Girls 2012: Gimme Sugar’s Charlene is Miss December!
It’s December. It’s cold outside but Miss December can heat things up. Except this calendar was shot in Los Angeles and it’s actually not very cold there right now, or ever.
It’s December. It’s cold outside but Miss December can heat things up. Except this calendar was shot in Los Angeles and it’s actually not very cold there right now, or ever.
Humans doing really terrible things to other humans!
Add “outing your students” to the list of gay bullying solutions that don’t work.
The New York Times says the gender gap is closed! All the news that’s fit to print, now with baseless speculation!
Have yourself a Very Trippy Christmas, ’cause these kids sure did!
Lindsay Lohan didn’t show up for her Ellen appearance. To cheer you up, we bring you SEVENTEEN other lesbosexy Ellen interviews. (THIS IS EPIC)
As the sign outside a metro Boston liquor store once said, “Because holidays are for family.”
Rachel’s Team Pick: There is just nothing not funny coming out of Charles Coopers’ mouth.
The Mayor of Troy is brilliantly called out for her homophobia and the IRS is making life harder for some lesbian couples. Also some lesbian mom stuff is happening in Australia.
NOM’s 2010 tax forms reveal that they’re not quite the grassroots organization they claim to be.
Go Vegan! is an iPhone and iPad vegan cooking app that you will love.
“What’s the next thing you’re gonna be telling us? That you’re a serial killer?”
No clue what to get the gourmet in your life? We’ve got some ideas.
18 songs for survival.
The girls continued to prove they’re not that broke by purchasing a new oven, doing things other than crying in a corner.
You may soon find yourself in charge of or surrounded by one or more children. They may even be expecting gifts. This will help.
Rick Perry is heckled into silence in Iowa — but what did he expect after that offensive “Strong” ad? (And some “Strong” parody videos to make things less depressing.)
This Just In: I’m a Lesbian Pillow Princess, I Married a Lesbian and “My First Time”!
On Monday U.S. Soccer granted a sanction that allows the WPS to survive another year so I think it’s about time you pretend to like soccer.
Bill Johnson is a Republican politician from Alabama who campaigned on a platform against gay rights. He’s also been secretly donating sperm to lesbians. He has a “human need,” you see.