Come Out to See Track Meet: A Girl Meets Girl Story in NYC!
You helped fund the queer indie film, “Track Meet.” Now that the film is finished, all Autostraddlers are welcome to attend its NYC screening!
You helped fund the queer indie film, “Track Meet.” Now that the film is finished, all Autostraddlers are welcome to attend its NYC screening!
Hannah Hart makes lesbian jokes, cooks vegan cheesecake, and drinks whiskey. As if you didn’t love her before.
“You learn, through how you live your body in the world, how power operates and how institutions reproduce oppressive forms of normativity.”
Intern Grace’s Team Pick: This video will make you laugh awkwardly in a public place. Watch it immediately.
Musician Allison Weiss talked to Autostraddle and ate a loaf of white bread one slice at a time. It doesn’t get more down-to-earth than that.
It’s a new tour dates / albums / video extravaganza!
“I am a third gender,” the film’s website proclaims in Lubin’s voice. “I exist outside of the binary definition of gender. This is my story.”
And the Alliance for Biking and Walking wants me to, too.
“So I started hanging out with Rayanne Graff. Just for fun. Just cause it seemed like if I didn’t, I would die or something. Things were getting to me. Just how people are.”
71% of college freshman think it’s okay for us to get married, some lady marries a building, Newt Gingrich is a douchebag, these two Annas have a cute wedding video and so much more!
Did you know that one in five trans people does not have stable housing? Obama’s administration does!
Here’s the situation: you have a lot of feelings and you have a keyboard or a notebook and your ears are lonely.
It’s okay to sing along. It’s also okay not to.
Because sometimes a giant bowl of cold kale doesn’t sound that good.
DC’s comic book series, “Birds of Prey,” has a hard-hitting, whiskey-swilling, Betty Page-lookalike who miiiight also be a lesbian. WHAT.
Check out the Black Community Spotlight at Gallery Bar on Tuesday, Jan. 31st if you’re in NYC, and online if you’re not!
This week in NSFW lesbosexyness: orgasms, online dating, top feminist porn films, and, um, bacon lube.
What are your plans today? I’m spending the day inside cleaning and might order myself a pizza as a gift and do affirmations while eating it.
Sex Week 2012 is a thing and I’m gonna be there, you should come. Get it?!?! COME?!?!!!
Twins who can harmonize and also wear a mean mustache.