The Newtown Girls Episode 3: The Justin Bieber Look
Baby baby baby.
Baby baby baby.
In which we finally figure out what a “lesbian haircut” looks like.
We need more city guides! Also, our April theme is “On Camp”!
Honey honey up in the trees/ Fields of flowers deep in his dreams/ Lead them out to sea by the east/ Honey honey food for the bees
In January, another openly gay teen took his own life.
The soundtrack to your Dinah Shore weekend.
Topics include Xanax, Trayvon Martin, waitressing, dystopian fiction, David Sedaris, the HBO show “Girls” and “The Jimmy McNulty Gambit.”
A handy list of queer and queer-friendly parties, places, and neighborhoods to keep you busy all week long!
None of these recipes use Vegemite.
Meet four trusty, lusty ladies to guide you through Oxford!
This week on NSFW Sunday: Lesbian sex (and queer sex) has been proven to be the best. Also, sex at your parents’ house, orgasms and exercise, and the Map of Human Sexuality.
Carmen’s Team Pick: On Wednesday, March 28, Eileen Myles is coming to American University in Washington, DC, and nothing in my life will ever be the same. Will you please come along?
This post is SO ten seconds ago.
I have more than one reference to Ellen in this post, and the person who finds them all wins a lot of time spent reading about stuff peripherally about Ellen Degeneres.
Someone paid $5,000 to kiss Naya Rivera and it wasn’t you!
In which just about everything happens.
Santa Fe through the eyes of a recent transplant.
How will she come out to her sister? Is she a booty call? How can she make her friend feel better? ONLY YOU KNOW.
Because you think putting hot coffee in the fridge is how you make iced coffee at home, but it’s really not. How to make cold brew at home from regular coffee, using a French press, even.
May the odds be ever in your favor.