Sunday Funday is Definitely Thinking About Bunnies Today
Happy Easter! Happy Passover! I’m having a lot of positive feelings.
Happy Easter! Happy Passover! I’m having a lot of positive feelings.
From “Boston Marriages” to Second Saturdays at Machine, the Boston area has always been kind to the Sapphicly inclined.
Music to write fan fiction by!
Laura’s Team Pick: I think we all can agree that the best part of waking up is coffee cake in your cup.
Cities wanna be her.
Topics include “a Web Site named Livejournal”, MĂĽnchausen by internet, the publishing, industry risky writing, teaching film in prison and Angry Birds.
To me, there is something quintessentially Midwestern about her: She’s polite, she’s reasonable, she’s serious, and she’s incredibly hardworking.
Runner-ups for rhymes include: graham flours, kilometers per hours, artificial flowers, ivory towers and nuclear powers.
Overwhelming evidence that shows that diverse workplaces are more innovative than their heterogenous counterparts!
Donald Trump does something not-awful for once, Bully gets a PG-13, Alaska votes against being nice to gay people, and other stories we missed this week.
A federal appeals court in Boston is considering whether it’s constitutional to deny same-sex married couples equal rights under the law.
I went to Dinah Shore 2012. I hope you will still take me seriously as a person.
Because supporting gay pride is very much like burning the Koran, somehow?
I dreamed a dream in time gone by…
“Within the violence of invisibility there was also a sense of liberation and expansiveness, like we could just make everything up as we go along.”
The cuties at Cypress Ranch High School made the best anti-bullying video of all time!
Oh, I’m sorry, did you think neon went out with the 80s? You’d be wrong.
Carolyn’s Team Pick: Flannery O’Connor’s looks like it would be good for napping.
“I am addicted to any television show, movie franchise or book series that features a gun-toting badge flashing power suit-wearing female crime-fighter who hunts down baddies for a living.”
Even when someone doesn’t know the range of the artistic revolution that was the Harlem Renaissance, they know the name. They know writers like Claude Mckay or singers like Ethel Waters but they may not know them as Queer Black Americans. Why is this?