The Newtown Girls Episode Seven: It’s A Date
Things are looking up for everyone except Alex.
Things are looking up for everyone except Alex.
If you’re going camping, you really need to have a pocket knife.
Together, you take on the bridge not caring where it ends or if it ends. one step after the other, fingers intertwined and infinity stretching out before both of you…
Laura’s team pick: A rose for love and a book forever.
In which Harto has embarrassingly accurate knowledge of Star Trek, gets existential, and wears your favorite plaid shirt.
Lip Service Season Two kicks off with lots of sex, drama, bad ideas, good ideas, drugs, hot new roommates, eyeliner and haircuts!
Brittani attended the GLAAD Media Awards in Los Angeles. Peeta was there so maybe that’s why she ate a lot of bread.
It’s a brand new day and a brand new week and I have a lot of Eileen Myles, Margaret Cho, and President Obama to go around. Also, Mormons.
Kid tested, mother (earth) approved.
This week on NSFW Sunday: lots of discussion about queer porn, sexting, and a “Say Please” excerpt.
Mitt Romney’s spokesman is openly gay, and the AFA’s Bryan Fischer is very upset about it.
Legendary video stars Haviland Stillwell and Ashley Reed made this amazing video to “raise awareness about Super PACs” and it’s SO WEIRD and I think you’d like it.
Topics include Carl Sagan explaining why he smokes weed, The Great Zucchini, an innocent man on death row, The Huffington Post, the cost of being a lady writer in NYC and The War Against Youth.
Carmen’s Team Pick: Anything dedicated to pizza is a good use of time.
Thousands of tampon applicators pollute our beaches every year and that’s gross, so let’s cut that out already.
We’ll be attending and liveblogging Aqua Girl®: a legendary lesbian event happening this May in Miami that you should also consider attending. Why? Well for one, all proceeds go towards the Aqua Foundation for Women. And here’s where I tell you all about it.
Little known fact about the comment awards: they can go 150 hours without air.
Katrina’s Team Pick: Be smart and funny, but maybe not smarter and funnier than me, ’cause I want this too, y’all.
This week on Glee, Brittany and Santana made a sex tape and we didn’t even get to see it!
“A vote for Harto is a vote for Harto in Spandex.”