5 Tips On Dating a Girl Who Is Only Kinda Sorta Maybe Out To Her Family And Friends
“Give her time, give her love and support and when she’s ready to whack the rainbow flag bumper sticker on her car, then she will.”
“Give her time, give her love and support and when she’s ready to whack the rainbow flag bumper sticker on her car, then she will.”
Unfortunate representation of queer communities may piss us off but it doesn’t mean it won’t help in some wacked out way. Just look at lesbian pulp fiction novels.
Will Neil Patrick Harris rap again? Find out here!
This week on NSFW Sunday: couples with roommates, feminist porn, bike smut, and tasting the rainbow in your pants.
Lady Gaga is done with her next album and Obama is making good speeches again. Now let’s go to the beach.
“I mean, we would not have violence against women or any issues of women’s rights on the agenda if we had waited for the human rights boys to say it was time.”
This is by far the best thing to happen this month. Maybe this lifetime.
Students in an allegedly ‘conservative’ rural county in California vote a lesbian couple as “cutest couple,” and it wasn’t a prank or anything.
The Managerettes love you so much that they hijacked the Comment Awards this week.
“This little book… is to my mind the progenitor of all funny queer blogs written in the first-person. Yes, this is the story of the first queer blogger.”
“He swore to protect and uphold the constitution, not the Bible, but the Constitution of the United States. He is not the pastor of the United States, he’s the President of the United States.”
Today’s topics include plane crashes, cannibals, the army, Quiz Bowl, Gossip Girl, transgender children and so much more!
Delicious summertime lunch hot or cold!
Caiden Cowger doesn’t have a good grasp on the differences between “your” and “you’re” but he does hate gay people on the radio.
On the lady who wrote this to Virginia Woolf – “You have no idea how stand-offish I can be with people I don’t love. I have brought it to a fine art. But you have broken down my defences. And I don’t really resent it.”
Kyrsten Sinema is proof not everything in Arizona politics is bad. Now if we can just get the 9th District to make her the first out bisexual on Capitol Hill.
Edie Windsor successfully had DOMA declared unconstitutional by a federal court.
Robert Giard took 500 photographs of queer writers in the 80’s and 90’s. They’re pretty f*cking awesome.
If you’ve ever wanted to give podcasts a try but didn’t know where to start, here is where you should start. By listening to me. I have opinions.
Are you going to Pride? Want to make friends?