Whites and Teals and Oranges, Oh My: Queer Summer Brunch Style
Oh my word. What the heck are you going to wear to International Autostraddle Summer Brunch Day?!?
Oh my word. What the heck are you going to wear to International Autostraddle Summer Brunch Day?!?
This playlist is four hours long because you never know how long the carafe will last.
Happy Friday the 13th. Your period is officially terrifying, according to the media.
Ridiculously though, it was the best possible result for women.
“It’s up to the poets. It’s up to us to continue.”
Two plug-ins that will turn the internet into your personal queer happy place.
Remember when you said that thing?
They’re adorable and creative and you should make some for someone you love.
They’re hoping to feature people “from all walks of life,” which means they could be looking for Y-O-U!
Emily wears a tie and Paige gets wipeout wasted. It’s all just spectacular.
Topics include lesbian enclaves, the worst child neglect story ever, school segregation, the Pulitzer, the “age of girlfriends,” sex in red states vs. blue states, stoned fortysomethings and more!
On makeup: “this ritualized mask-making / not to hide behind / but to put forth”
Amy Poehler’s web series uses inspiring girls to prove that everyone is an inspiration but also everyone is boring.
In which the audience applauded upholding traditional family and booed the elimination of Obamacare, and Mitt Romney remained an idiot.
Edwin Leslie, appointed by Arizona Governor Jan Brewer to the State of Arizona Tourism Advisory Council, resigned on Tuesday in protest of Brewer’s attempt to discontinue healthcare benefits for same-sex partners of state employees. He deserves our applause.
I was there for you and I wanted to buy everything.
You have them. Scientists want to study them.
Just in case you weren’t already planning on it.
The Good, The Bad, and The Kanye, feat. Jan Brewer, Mitt Romney, and Sweden.
The Episcopal House of Bishops recently approved a blessing for same-sex couples in an overwhelming 111-41 vote.