Fundraising Update #2: What If We Raised $100,000? What Then?
Just a little extra motivation to participate in our fundraising campaign!
Just a little extra motivation to participate in our fundraising campaign!
It’s like when the greatest thing in the world gets even better.
Julie and Brandy live-chatted some relevant Olympic events for you! Grab a snack and relive the magic through the eyes of your favorite twosome.
It’s a small little bubble of liberalism in a sea of southern weirdness.
DOMA is unconstitutional – again – and hacktivism happens in the name of love, all inside this week’s Also.Also.Also!
Innkeepers are using their title of Boss to freely discriminate against patrons and spew hate on religious grounds. Luckily brave individuals are calling them out and you can too.
If you change your face to fit the beauty standards of the meanest kid on the playground, who wins?
“…yes, this was a terrible hate crime and attack! But I will not let that change who I am! I will continue to wear makeup and live a fabulous gay life!”
“Get ready to do meta-reality somersaults about sci fi, chihuahua tossing, and Russian literature.”
You and your ex are going to the same social event? You should probs read this first.
Throw out all your fancy face washes and special lotions; all you need is a little bit of oil.
Riese’s team pick: San Antonio writer Burgin Street is obsessed with vintage childrens books and consequently, I’m obsessed with her blog.
Rachel’s Team Pick: Editor Real Talk is back, and possibly even better!
“We never ask young people what they are willing to sacrifice to make the world better and that’s one of the biggest problems in this country.”
“I am glad to be here with you in 2012. But I am glad someone was there in 1950.”
The story of one pastor and one chaplain who chose to amplify their voices by stepping down from their churches.
We’re accepting submissions for our next theme, SCHOOLED.
The Democratic Party is officially adding a “plank” to their party platform supporting gay marriage.
There is a “New York Magazine” issue dedicated entirely to boning. Did you know? And guess what? It’s not entirely about heterosexuals in missionary position–there are so many more perspectives than that.
Because every lesbian needs a lesbian familiar. Because your furry best friend is already out there and waiting for you. Because puppies.