Queer Your Tech with Fun: Word Processors That Aren’t Made by Microsoft
Let’s transgress the Microsoft system. Say it with me now: there are more options than Microsoft Word.
Let’s transgress the Microsoft system. Say it with me now: there are more options than Microsoft Word.
In a perfect example of how this campaign is becoming an elementary-school-style cry for attention, Americans’ evenings were recently rudely interrupted when they were texted anti-gay and anti-Obama messages.
Katrina’s Team PIck: Season 3 of SIGNIFIED reminds us of what many forget, and what some know all too well: queerness does not necessarily mean whiteness, and queerness is not only limited to the U.S.
Halloween memories, calendar girls and your clever words.
This is what’s going on — and a place to comment if you know of underserved areas of the country in need of help who aren’t getting the press coverage they need.
This shit never gets old – stupidity ranging from Ohio to Iowa and from Katrina to Sandy.
Topics include heroin addiction and Hurricane Katrina, puppets, insomnia, monopoly, natural disasters, Free To Be You And Me, Monopoly, books about gender and so much more!
And you thought November was nothing but cold and rain? Meet Alana and Julie!
Vanessa’s Team Pick: Kate Nash dressed up as Buffy The Vampire Slayer and put on a live performance of “Once More With Feeling”…need we say more?
There must be something in the lingonberry jam and kaffebröd, as Sweden has given us so much great pop music in the last four decades.
Despite being held up as incontrovertible proof of the evils of gay parenting, Regnerus claims he “[took] pains in the study to say this is not about saying gay or lesbian parents are inherently bad.”
Yes, voting is probably the single most important thing you can do on Election Day in the United States (November 6th!) But it’s not the only important thing you can do on Election Day.
This week in books: It’s NaNoWriMo! Also, East Coast booksellers deal with Hurricane Sandy, comic books and gay characters, copyright, Random Penguin House, Gore Vidal and what we’re reading.
“I’m drillin and I’m killin while I’m munching on my chick-fil a/ i ain’t no gay and don’t believe that shit is real / whose bitch can be whose bitch if not a baby-making meal.”
We’re eight days away from our Cameron Post discussion, and Lindsey Lloyd, Cameron’s dyke fairy godmother, would like to mail you a care package (mix tape included). It’s a giveaway!
“When I started doing stand-up, I didn’t do it for awards. I did it for the money.”
I’m hacking an Eagle Award tonight and then I’m gonna move to Canada.
The costume of the day is Julie Goldman and Brandy Howard, five ways. You don’t need to leave your apartment to have a Happy Halloween!
Do you dream of a spin-off to THE SLOPE, the hilarious lesbian webseries about “superficial, homophobic lesbians” in Park Slope, Brooklyn? F TO 7TH is here to make that dream a reality, but only if they meet their Kickstarter goal by TOMORROW. Quick, go help out a talented funny lesbian!
A crazy pastor thinks that all your scissoring caused Hurricane Sandy, and Romney thinks FEMA is a bad idea. And you thought Halloween was the scariest thing happening today.