“Oh Hey! It’s Alyssa” is a biweekly web comic by Alyssa!
Oh Hey! It’s Alyssa #17: Obtainable Goals
A. Andrews
A. is a totally complete incomplete paraplegic and thirty-something hanky-in-the-pocket cartoonist weirdo!
A. has written 69 articles for us.
i feel ya
Of all the lessons I need to learn, this is still one of the foremost.
I feel so seen. Thank you.
alyssa i love you
so true!
i really love your comic
I know what this feels like!
Ha ha, that’s great.
I managed to bypass that by never having any grand expectations for myself. But I do remember pants…uh, most of the time, at least. =)
Love this, thank you Alyssa. I should stick this on my fridge. OBTAINABLE goals!
This has been on my mind a lot lately as I sort out mental health stuff and try to perform well at my job, when my actual goals each day are like “leave house, stay alive, come home.” It feels hard to justify the limitations as a real thing impeding my ability to do things.
Thanks for the comic, sending you lots of positive vibes for achieving obtainable goals.
I went to the library today! I haven’t done any studying, but by gosh I’m here.
Horrible admission: I hate going to libraries they freak me out… too quiet? and the only time I spent a significant amount of time in the library were all the times I went to read this amaaaaaazing book about tattooed women that I couldn’t afford even on Amazon at the time. I later found out that “losing” a book you take out required like a 50 dollar restocking fee, so I eventually took it and paid the fine and now I NEVER GO TO THE LIBRARY.
All of this having little to do with the fact that I’m very proud of you! Just sitting there can be a struggle. I’m glad you’re using your time wisely by autostraddling. You know what’s up! I give you an A+.
You should come back! We have more tattoo books! :P