Nutshell Studies of Quarantine: Part Four, Winter 2020

Nutshell Studies of Quarantine is a four-part series that follows Frida as she navigates the last year of our lives. In Part Four, it is Winter 2020. Frida battles a new breed of procrastination in quarantine and then, in the new year, sees the light at the end of the tunnel.

In a six panel, black and white pen-drawn comic, Friday tries their hardest to work on a comic, but they continue to get distracted as their head turns into a cloud of To Do list items.

In a six panel, black and white, pen-drawn comic, Frida obsessively updates their phone while looking for a vaccine for their parents. Their partner does an entire workday as a lawyer, day turns into night, and Friday doesn't move from their task. Finally Frida triumphant! Fist pumping, they say "Years of honing my Ticketmaster skills as a youth paid off!"

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Yumi Yamaguchi

Yumi Yamaguchi is a half-Japanese, half-Mexican cartoonist who doodles in Los Angeles.  She has exhibited her comic Quietly at events across North America, including Comic Arts Los Angeles, Comic Arts Brooklyn, Toronto Comic Arts Festival, and Seattle's Short Run Comix & Arts Festival.  When she's not doodling, she's usually reading and drinking coffee with her partner.  You can find her work at her Etsy store. Or you can follow her on Instagram.

Yumi has written 4 articles for us.


  1. That’s exactly how I felt when I was able to get a vax appointment on the first day it opened up for my age group!

  2. Feel the ticketmaster skills! Felt like five years of buying glastonbury tickets prepared me perfectly for the 3 minute window before the local vaccines ran out..

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