Nutshell Studies in Quarantine: Part Two, Spring 2020

Nutshell Studies of Quarantine is a four-part series that follows Frida as she navigates the last year of our lives. In Part Two, it is April 2020. Witness the heroic tale of Frida versus the grocery deliveries.

In a nine-panel black and white comic, Frida's girlfriend looks down at her phone and informs Frida that the groceries have been delivered. Friday masks up to get the groceries from the front door. She puts on gloves and grabs the disinfectant wipes. Bravely she takes all the groceries and wipes them down with the wipes, one by one. The camera zooms out in the last panel, showing all the disinfected groceries laying on the floor as Frida moves on to the next one. Her girlfriend asks, "are these our floor groceries now?"

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Yumi Yamaguchi

Yumi Yamaguchi is a half-Japanese, half-Mexican cartoonist who doodles in Los Angeles.  She has exhibited her comic Quietly at events across North America, including Comic Arts Los Angeles, Comic Arts Brooklyn, Toronto Comic Arts Festival, and Seattle's Short Run Comix & Arts Festival.  When she's not doodling, she's usually reading and drinking coffee with her partner.  You can find her work at her Etsy store. Or you can follow her on Instagram.

Yumi has written 4 articles for us.


  1. Oh man, I remember dunking all the water-tight containers in bleach. And then realizing after that we perhaps did not want bleach near our food.

  2. I appreciate this series, it’s bizarre but oddly useful to get these brief reflections. And I’m very glad that at least the groceries-bleaching routine was proven to be unnecessary relatively early on, because wow that was not a good time.

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