NSFW Sunday Wants to Taste the Rainbow in Your Pants

Welcome to NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday!

via flickr user WillowB Media

+ Couples living with roommates is a growing trend. This article includes the words “all-lesbian orgies,” but is interesting for other reasons too:

“Thanks to stagnant employment rates and rising rent prices, such situations appear to be increasingly common. Browsing Craigslist for single-room listings that include the phrase ‘we are a couple’ brings up 131 posts from the week of April 30–May 7 alone. Stephanie Diamond, founder of The Listings Project, an email resource for renters in New York City, says she’s also seen a rise in couples seeking roommates. So has Jonathan Miller, the president and CEO of Miller Samuel Inc., a real estate consulting firm. ‘More people are sharing rents—doubling up—whether with family or roommates,’ he said.”

via suicide girls

+ Why the feminist porn movement isn’t a contradiction in terms:

“Of course, labels don’t necessarily matter in the larger scheme of things. What is more important is a desire for change. In the last ten years, pornography has become ubiquitous and the associated moral panics that accompany it are becoming larger. In a political landscape which still seeks to censor speech, representations of sex that are positive, inclusive and respectful are increasingly important. Feminist porn and the ethical and political vision behind it show that depictions of explicit sex are not inherently evil or morally corrupting. Indeed, it reveals just how important visual and written representations of sex can be to culture and to society.”

via fleshbot.com

+ Want to know how to (probably) make your vagina taste like a rainbow?

“Surprisingly, not much research has been done on what a girl can do to alter the makeup of her vaginal secretions in a way that’s reflected in the taste, and so most advice for making your vagina taste awesome is based on old wives’ tales and anecdotes and hilariously misspelled Yahoo answers. During my informal snooping and asking around, I found pineapple mentioned frequently as vaginal taste aid. Apparently, it’s high in sugars, and when you eat it, some internal mechanism sends tiny Magic School Buses to your stomach to cart away the sweet pineapple molecules straight to your vagina. Also recommended: apples, celery, yogurt, red grapes, cranberry juice, lots of water, mint, watermelon, strawberries. Basically, anything that grows that isn’t smelly.”

via lasmujeresrealestienencurvas.tumblr.com

+ Bike smut: it exists.

via bikesmut.com

+ The Rumpus interviewed queer bondage filmmaker and star Madison Young about her work, her life, and art:

I have no interest in appearing in mainstream media if it means conforming to a dumbed-down stereotype or caricature of my identity or the communities I’m a part of. My interest lies in expanding the conversation about the complex identities of people in LGBTQ, kink, sex worker, and sex-positive communities. These are all sub-sects of our culture that are often targeted in hate crimes, rape, and abuse – as well as depression and suicide – simply for being who we are. The work I do is about creating space for people to feel confident and safe in exploring their full and complete identity without judgment. If we are able to expand this to a mainstream level, it breaks a wall of isolation that individuals might feel when they are discovering parts of their identity that might set them apart from the people they see around them.

I remember the first time I visited San Francisco’s Castro District at age 17, in 1997, and just sat at Orphan Andy’s diner people-watching. It was the first time that I had really seen other queers who had partners. I had two friends that identified as gay but none of us had ever had a girlfriend or boyfriend. We were alone in our gaydom. [Laughs] But that moment of watching dykes and queers sitting down, eating dinner, staring into their lovers’ eyes in love or lust, it was magical. It gave me hope. It made me realize that I wouldn’t always be alone. I think that was a key moment of empowerment for me.”

wings via Crash Pad Series (crashpadseries.com)

+ When (consensual!) bruising is sexy:

“What I really like are the bruises, bigger and more colorful in the light of day. I like the memory of what we did last night blooming on my skin as I strip for the morning’s shower. I like a big bouquet of them, spread across my shoulders and neck and thighs, proof that someone wanted me so badly they had to grab and bite and sometimes break skin. I like to show them off; when we lived apart, I would text Sinclair pictures of my bruises and we’d both shiver a little at the memory.”

by kataleena via fuckyeahdykes.tumblr.com

+ The Fisting ABCs, by Susie Bright: “To those uninitiated to the pleasures of handballing, I invite you in. Don’t be ashamed of your sexual inexperience; just remedy it. For those of you who are veteran pussy handlers, grab your lube, because we’re about to go public.”

If for any reason you presently have ass on your mind, don’t forget — we have a gallery for that!

Disclaimer: All of the photographs on NSFW Sundays are taken from various tumblrs and do not belong to us. All are linked and credited to the best of our abilities in hopes of attracting more traffic to the tumblrs and photographers who have blessed us with this imagery. The inclusion of a photograph here should not be interpreted as an assertion of the model’s gender identity or sexual orientation. If there is a photo included here that belongs to you and you want it removed, please email our tech director at cee [at] autostraddle dot com and it will be removed promptly, no questions asked.

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    • I like bruises (LOVE bruises) but truth be told, I have to be careful reading Sugarbutch lately because the very extreme bruising and things like scarification are freaking me out.

      I’m not saying it’s bad, just more than I can personally handle, and that’s okay. It has mostly just stopped pertaining to me.

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