NSFW Sunday Wants to Spend the Day in Bed With Charts, Curvy Girls and Awards

Welcome to NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday!

via photographer mike larremore

+ The nominees for the 7th annual Feminist Porn Awards have been released and include “Cabaret Desire,” “Sexing the Transman,” “Emile,” and “Get Wet.” Last year’s categories included “Best Bi Movie,” “Most Tantalizing Trans Film,” “Hottest Lesbian Feature Film,” “Most Deliciously Diverse Cast,” and the “Golden Beaver Award for Canadian Content.” Winners will be announced starting April 18.

via blackerotica.tumblr.com

+ E-readers are for porn, according to the Wall Street Journal:

“The ease of downloading to an e-reader is a huge factor in erotica’s growth. The minute a reader hears about a book from a friend, she can buy her own copy.

And in a series, as soon as she finishes the first book she can download the next. Some readers load all the novels about a favorite heroine onto their e-readers at once.

‘This is an online market,’ says Rachel Kramer Bussel, a writer of erotica and editor of the anthology ‘Best Bondage Erotica 2012’ […]

Romance fans were among the earliest adopters of e-reading. Nearly 40% of all new romance books purchased are in digital form, says Kelly Gallagher, vice president of Bowker Market Research. In erotica, the digital portion is that high or higher, he says. It is about 20% for other adult trade genres—except for mysteries, which have recently caught up with romance.”

(For lesbian romance suggestions, see Top 10 Lesbian Romance Novels (Currently on my Kindle) and Another Top 10 Lesbian Romance Novels (Currently On My Kindle).)

+ 7.6% of women who identified themselves as straight contact lesbians when online dating, according to a study by dating site FlirtFinder:

“Justin Battell, managing director of FlirtFinder, thinks it’s the anonymity of dating sites which allows users to experiment in a way which could be more difficult in everyday life.

‘It may just be curiosity, or it may be that sexuality cannot be clearly defined as gay or straight and is much more of a spectrum,’ says Justin. ‘This type of dating platform allows users to get experimental without the risk of any potential embarrassment or rejection.

‘If you’re curious about your sexuality it’s much easier to send someone a quick message online than pluck up the courage to meet with them face-to-face straight away. Mobile dating gives people a breed of confidence that isn’t always present in day-to-day life.'”

via lesfemmes.tumblr.com

+ Erosblog posted an excerpt from Fat Sex: What Everyone Wants to Know but is Afraid to Ask, that talks about sex with the lights on:

“It took me a long time to realize that my partners were having sex with me in part because of the way my body looks, not in spite of the way my body looks. It sounds simple, I know, but when you spend your whole life being told that fat bodies are not sexy, it takes some time to realize that sexiness isn’t that simple. This understanding is not something that happens overnight for most of us. Hell, it can take years. But, the sooner you learn (yes, learn) to feel sexy just the way you are, the sooner you’ll be able to enjoy your sexuality more fully.

Really, this goes for men and women of all sizes, not just fat women. You owe it to yourself and your partner to trust that he or she really desires you and to do the best you can to keep that in mind when you find you have a hard time letting go and really being seen during sex.”

via cuepoc.tumblr.com

+ Curvy Girls, edited by Rachel Kramer Bussel, will be released this April. Here’s a quick preview, from “Recognition,” by Salome Wilde and Talon Rihai:

“Moll had no time even to gasp as she returned the kiss and reached around to tighten the embrace. How surprising to have to extend her arms, to realize she could not get all of that abundant ass in her grip. Is this how it feels to hold me? The lips that pressed against hers were full and soft, and she deepened the kiss with heart-pounding abandon. […] A soft grunt of pleasure escaped her as the heat of Rhiamon’s mouth met her own, as tongues wrapped and hands clung and eyes squeezed deliciously shut.”

via prettyplussize.tumblr.com

+ At SXSW, “Sex, Dating, and Privacy Online Post-Weinergate” discussed both how searchable your online everything is, and how image recognition on dating sites is really, really creepy:

“You don’t have to be a prominent politician sexting pics of your junk to be vulnerable to the brave new world of naked data, panel members said. You may have heard that Facebook and dating-site messages are commonly subpoenaed by divorce lawyers. Did you know, however, that basic facial recognition software — available free online — can expose your real identity from a photo scraped from OKCupid? That’s right — any nude photo with a face attached can now become a porn image with you listed as the star attraction.

Internet smarty-pants Clay Shirky has argued that in the long run, privacy won’t matter because online nudity will eventually be the norm. But you live in the short run. What precautions can you take to avoid becoming the subject of an unpleasant public discussion?”

+ A study in female masturbation orgasms.

via curvygirlsarebetter.tumblr.com

+ Have you ever asked yourself, “why isn’t there a worksheet for kink?” Well, there is, thank the lord.

via ancestryinprogress.tumblr.com/


Disclaimer: All of the photographs on NSFW Sundays are taken from various tumblrs and do not belong to us. All are linked and credited to the best of our abilities in hopes of attracting more traffic to the tumblrs and photographers who have blessed us with this imagery. The inclusion of a photograph here should not be interpreted as an assertion of the model’s gender identity or sexual orientation. If there is a photo included here that belongs to you and you want it removed, please email our tech director at cee [at] autostraddle dot com and it will be removed promptly, no questions asked.

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  1. So, w/r/t the Kink Worksheet…. Don’t you think there should be Kink Badges awarded for trying new things? Like in Girl Scouts but instead of putting them on your vest you could put them on your….oh, harness! And then when you’ve accumulated…say 5?–you could redeem them for a free toaster or crock-pot.

    Hey….come to think of it, I need a crock-pot.

    • Omg. What a good idea.

      I would just wear them like, on my knapsack when I went to class and stuff.

      And I’d wear them on a bag when I went to like have lunch with my grandma. And she’d be like what are those and I’d be like THEY ARE AWARDS – ITS A NEW WAVE OF FEMINISM.

      Okay… too excited, need to calm down now.

  2. Four of my top 10- favorite things (even stated on my OKC profile, so you know I’m for real): days in bed, curvy ladies, charts, and winning things (read, for the case of this article: awards). Seriously y’all.

    • Curvy, yes. Human form has curves, regardless. The problem is that all bodies are not celebrated. Only those who are conventionally beautiful are celebrated. People are mad that on a site where they are meant to be visible, woman who don’t fit into conventionally beautiful standards are continually excluded.

      I still don’t see anyone any bodies here that are fat.

  3. I took a flight from NJ to FL this a.m. and the guy sitting next to me glanced over at my Kindle and asked “What’cha reading?”..Without hesitation, I answered “Lesbian Erotica”..Wish I’d gotten a picture of his face! He didn’t say a word for the rest of the flight!

  4. See you at the Feminist Porn Awards, pervs! If you can go, do it. I went last year and it was…stunning.

    But, I mean, if you don’t want to be awash in hot queers dressed to the nines, then probably don’t.

    • can that be a thing now? like trying to get as many cats as possible in the background of porn shoots? because that could be hilarious and somehow make queer porn even more queer.

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